Monday 20 April 2009

hello yellow!

im finally updating my blog , i know!
anw, today ,
phei wen , nadira , gou , dhepan and i went for the YE (Young Enterprise) workshop in kl.
we were an hour early , such punctual people we are!

the workshop started with a tour arnd the few floors of the company ,
we were paired up with smkdu people ,
and we our tour guide was the best. (what we assumed)

well, after all that. Stefanie Caunter and Jimmy started the workshop.
telling us all about marketing and stuff.

OHYES, you read it right.
Stefanie Caunter is actually Marion Caunter's sis!
she was taaaaall !

then, schools presented their products ,
there were really facinating ones.
plenty of bookmarks , keychains .

and not to forget, the best presentation was awarded.
aina's with her smkdj guys got it.
and they were 5 tickets to the 1 in a million!
they're so lucky , ohwell they deserved it,
they were good. haha :)

ahh , ill go for nw.
have to continue my research on farts for my english oral.
dont you think its an interesting topic ?


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