Friday 13 March 2009

Yesterday was history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
But today ,
today is a gift,
thats why its called present :)

im finally updating m
y blog.

I've gotten really busy since my last post i guess. thats why im not always here updating. bet you guys missed me updating my blog eh ? :P HAHAHA . anw, i only have like 20 more minutes of laptop usage before my dad stops me. so im gonna shorten everything that happened from the last post up to now. so , lets begin ;

26th feb , bday :D
school was normal ; boring day. there were wishes, and the class sang me a song. [ well, we sing for everyones bday , haha ] then , aft school , i went for y.e meeting. we presented our prototypes. the notebook got alot of supporters , but i have to say that the environmental bags were the best prototypes. [ im sure some of u guys are feeling blurr at this point , lol ]
anw, getting straight to the point. aft school , went to bella's hse, bunch of them were there to surprise me :) the cake was written , 'happy bday cinapek' or something something 'cinapek' . HAHA. and there was a little baby on the cake , the sugar toy kind , the edible kind. so yeah, had a great time thr.

next was ,
1st march [ grandparents bday ]

it was celebrated in a restaurant in kl , called 'Flower Drum'. It was quite a fancy place , well deco-ed. anw , it was actually a surprise celebration for my grandparents. they looked quite stoned when we surprised them. haha! and even my dad's uncles and aunties + uncle aunty from sg came to surprise them as well. i can't imagine how they were feeling , must have felt really touched. and i heard a tear fell from my grand dad , touched :)
then the adults wished them one by one. it was funny how they said it all. thr was kareoke and ohyeah , joel sang a leehom song. soo, it was all good and fun :D

the really fruity cake , weights 8 kg!

happy 80th bday!

i was talking to this good looking fella in white ,

not bad right ?
mun jan can look emo!

wow, camera!

me giving the cinapek look.

then ,

there's the exams! did alot of last minute studying for this exam , like started reading one day before the exam day itself. im kinda expecting bad results for this term , but ohwell , life's tough aint it ?

[20 minutes is up ]
all for nw , will do the tags soon guys!

mh.coec :)

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