Wednesday 18 March 2009

paint paint paint :)

hey guys.
so hows the holidays treating u guys ?
one thing for sure , im running out of pictures to post on my blog.
most of the awesome pictures you see in here are either old or not taken by me.
sad isnt it ? well , ill try to bring the old camera out more often.

what i've done for the past few days ;

monday ; played badminton with the fella's in 3k from 9 till 11. [umi, bella , shu , hanafi , yohann , dev , adrian , umi's bro] lunch at ANW was lousy. the bloody burger was soooo molecular size , SMALL! lucky there's the float to keep us smiling :)
then , took a bus back to usj14 cc. wasted like 4 hours there , losing was never fun. AHHA after that, rushed over to training in school .

tuesday ; studied accounts with shu , gou , char and umi. studying during the hols ? we might sound a little nerdy here dont we ? nahh, we have an exam the next day in tuition , THATS WHY! it was umi's bday , so we got her br ice cream. hope she liked it :D back to the study group, we did only an accounts question (?) before we got distracted. thats how study groups go dont they :) then , we got lunch . headed to charlotte's hse. hanged there , played taboo and a card game.

wednesday ; studied myself at home. wasnt able to concentrate at first, distracting thoughts. said a prayer , and there i went , drifted into the accounting world .

assets = liabiliti + ekuiti pemilik

then headed to training . and then to tuition. exam was ok , hope i did it right .

i hear my bed calling my name.
mh.coec :)

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