Wednesday 18 March 2009

paint paint paint :)

hey guys.
so hows the holidays treating u guys ?
one thing for sure , im running out of pictures to post on my blog.
most of the awesome pictures you see in here are either old or not taken by me.
sad isnt it ? well , ill try to bring the old camera out more often.

what i've done for the past few days ;

monday ; played badminton with the fella's in 3k from 9 till 11. [umi, bella , shu , hanafi , yohann , dev , adrian , umi's bro] lunch at ANW was lousy. the bloody burger was soooo molecular size , SMALL! lucky there's the float to keep us smiling :)
then , took a bus back to usj14 cc. wasted like 4 hours there , losing was never fun. AHHA after that, rushed over to training in school .

tuesday ; studied accounts with shu , gou , char and umi. studying during the hols ? we might sound a little nerdy here dont we ? nahh, we have an exam the next day in tuition , THATS WHY! it was umi's bday , so we got her br ice cream. hope she liked it :D back to the study group, we did only an accounts question (?) before we got distracted. thats how study groups go dont they :) then , we got lunch . headed to charlotte's hse. hanged there , played taboo and a card game.

wednesday ; studied myself at home. wasnt able to concentrate at first, distracting thoughts. said a prayer , and there i went , drifted into the accounting world .

assets = liabiliti + ekuiti pemilik

then headed to training . and then to tuition. exam was ok , hope i did it right .

i hear my bed calling my name.
mh.coec :)

Sunday 15 March 2009


Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: Munhong

2. A four Letter Word: Mock

3. A boy's Name: Muidz

4. A girl's Name: Manda

5. An occupation: Manager?

6. A color: Monkey brown

7. Something you'll wear: Mask

8. A food: mixed beans

9. Something found in the bathroom: Marble tiles

10. A place: Malaysia (boleh!)

11. A reason for being late: Met prime minister on the way to school.

12. Something you'd shout: Man, this is getting booooring!

13. A movie title: (the) Mask .

14. Something you drink: Malta

15. A musical group: Micheal Jackson? what a group , LMAO

16. An animal: Monkey

17. A street name: M ... m ...

18. A type of car: Mazda

19. The title of a song: My life would suck without you

20. Tag 20 people:
the first 20 who reads this , DO IT !
you know who u are .

Friday 13 March 2009

Yesterday was history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
But today ,
today is a gift,
thats why its called present :)

im finally updating m
y blog.

I've gotten really busy since my last post i guess. thats why im not always here updating. bet you guys missed me updating my blog eh ? :P HAHAHA . anw, i only have like 20 more minutes of laptop usage before my dad stops me. so im gonna shorten everything that happened from the last post up to now. so , lets begin ;

26th feb , bday :D
school was normal ; boring day. there were wishes, and the class sang me a song. [ well, we sing for everyones bday , haha ] then , aft school , i went for y.e meeting. we presented our prototypes. the notebook got alot of supporters , but i have to say that the environmental bags were the best prototypes. [ im sure some of u guys are feeling blurr at this point , lol ]
anw, getting straight to the point. aft school , went to bella's hse, bunch of them were there to surprise me :) the cake was written , 'happy bday cinapek' or something something 'cinapek' . HAHA. and there was a little baby on the cake , the sugar toy kind , the edible kind. so yeah, had a great time thr.

next was ,
1st march [ grandparents bday ]

it was celebrated in a restaurant in kl , called 'Flower Drum'. It was quite a fancy place , well deco-ed. anw , it was actually a surprise celebration for my grandparents. they looked quite stoned when we surprised them. haha! and even my dad's uncles and aunties + uncle aunty from sg came to surprise them as well. i can't imagine how they were feeling , must have felt really touched. and i heard a tear fell from my grand dad , touched :)
then the adults wished them one by one. it was funny how they said it all. thr was kareoke and ohyeah , joel sang a leehom song. soo, it was all good and fun :D

the really fruity cake , weights 8 kg!

happy 80th bday!

i was talking to this good looking fella in white ,

not bad right ?
mun jan can look emo!

wow, camera!

me giving the cinapek look.

then ,

there's the exams! did alot of last minute studying for this exam , like started reading one day before the exam day itself. im kinda expecting bad results for this term , but ohwell , life's tough aint it ?

[20 minutes is up ]
all for nw , will do the tags soon guys!

mh.coec :)