Sunday 2 November 2008

time to pull my socks up.

i went to school today for basketball between classes. its a small tournament organized by the school i guess , to make all the form3 students come to school. darn you school! just for the fun of it, some of us joined . adrian, hanafi, raymond, usern , pudding and i played for team 3 Amanah. yohann, shubash and bing xi are supposed to be in the team; but they have kwn stuff at the last minute. anw, we played against 3 G for our first game. there were good opponents ; but we made it with a win. after the game, we ponteng-ed out. the teachers actually expects us to go into the dewan to sit there in our sweaty clothes ? konon nyer , they have activities for us. bet its all gonna be a waste of time, lucky we didn't stay back. walked to melur for something light, before going home.

'my back hurts man, im getting old.'

its gonna be basketball basketball basketball for the next few months. im gonna need to train! some tournaments are coming; and im not close to ready. im like a rusty old nail already. must run, must pass , must shoot HAHA lucky i got my new pair of nike's in time. before this i have been using my north star school shoe for bball. pity that shoe man, gonna start talking anytime! ohyeah, another training later ; im kinda excited ?



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