Thursday 27 November 2008

mcd's terror ?

a video made in mcd's a few weeks back with usern and gou. do watch it and comment it in youtube !


Sunday 23 November 2008

i was TAGGED by Joshua , so here goes

1. Does this tag make you feel hungry ? ( a question i added myself )

hell yeahh.

2. Who is more important to you?friends/boy/girlfriends

all of them , except for boyfriends =.=! WTH

3. Have you ever thought of getting married?

yeahh , dont you ?

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?


5. How many babies do you want?

depends ( the questions are getting weirder )

6. What is your goal for this year?

7 a's for my pee M are .

7. Do you believe in eternal love?
uh huh .

8. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of the perfect boy/girlfriend?(10 characteristics)

she .....

1) must have hair ( well , bald is fine )
2) must have eyes ( so that im able to look at her in the eyes ?)
3) must have a nose ( so that she breathes )
4) must have hands ( what else am i to hold ? )
5) must have legs ( so that she walks )
6) must be arnd my height and NOT taller
7) must like Man United as well
8) must be talkative
9) must be joyful
10) and lastly , she MUST stop me from doing this tag.

all the answers above are all crapped out !

9. What feeling do you love most?
that feeling.

10. What is your bad habit?
dont know , why dont u tell me ?

11. Is there anything you want to tell people who hate you?

'lets just be friends and shake hands' , and then tries to trip him/her while shaking hands. LOL!

12. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

yeah , but some are not worth so.

13. What does flying mean to you?

flying eh , having freedom like a bird.

14. Who do you love?

( the song plays )
im in love with a girl ,
im in love yeah .


15. Who do you think is hotter? edward cullen or jacob black?

hmmmmm , this is hard ,
but i think that ,
the sun is hotter XD

16. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words

joshua is

friendly , playful , funny , helpful , good arnd kids.

17. What would you really like to do right now?

go out , im bored at home.

18. What will you become in the next 10 years?

i will become older , LOL
seriously , a working person already.

19. How to find the right partner
by not looking for left patners ? :D

20. What are you wishing for right NOW?

to get some rest , getting tired these days.

i Tag:

charlotte ( so that u will update your blog ) :D

the next 7 people are random people i chose from my links , they are ;

afiq , brandon , joon keit , nana , nadira , sarah , and victor pang.

have fun doing the tag guys.

Instructions:Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Who ever does the tag will have blessings from all.


Saturday 15 November 2008

Game on!

we played at a place called 'dai gong' today. the court there was just so-so . our opponent for today was st john . yeaahhh , there's a school called st john in selangor ; odd ? that must be where all hot lady nurses and docs come from. haha ; KIDDING!
anw, played our game and won them 30 - 6 .
i only scored 5 pts , ass!

next game will be on monday against permata. they look like tougher opponents ; gotta play our A game!

mh.coec :D

Friday 14 November 2008

I rot whenever im at home!

ahhh , holidays are so boring when your at home. i know, lets go out ? ooohhhwaiitt , i cant. im dead broke :x and im done asking for money from my parents , they're just gonna scold me. i don't blame them ; i must agree , i did spent quite alot lately. thats why i wanted a job so badly during the hols ,

'why won't anyone hire 15 year olds! :( '

ooohyeahh, went for basketball in the morn with eleena, gou , divo, usern and jowin yesterday. we played at 16 for just about an hour or so , then we left for melurr. tosei ghee and poori was tummy filling :D later, we headed to 18 to continue bball . gou, divo and eleena wanted to train for their coming games. we bballed and talked and all until it was 1pm! dang , the sun was scorching hot. i think i just got free tanning , whoooopeeeee :)

anw, aft bball ; gou , usern and I went around taipan and bussiness center at 2 plus. gou and i wanted to look for jobs where as usern was just coming along with us. so, we walked and asked every possible shop to work in. baskin robins, starbucks , leos ( although the uniform there looks really pink ) logan house , and even the pet shop! we were mostly rejected because of our age. ( not again !?) we even faked our age at some shops ; (we were 16 year olds all of a sudden) and we still didnt get it. how crappy was that ? =.=! later , when we wanted to walk back , it started to rain. so , we dropped by at mcd's while waiting for the rain the disperse. the rain got heavier , then came thunder and lightning. we kinda waited for 2 hours or so , LOL. while waiting , we made a short vid. its really random! will try to get it from usern soon :D

guess thats all for nw.
ooh, does anyone know where the nearest zoo is from subang ?

Sunday 9 November 2008

Yes , we can.

as many of you guys know, Barack Obama won! he's gonna be the first black president in the us of a; and thats a really good way to reduce and banish racism. what a big change he's going to be to america. im not much of the political kinda guy, but i feel so darn happy that he got it. why am I feeling this way ? hahah

anw, we had hotandlow last friday at syaza's hse. well, it didn't turn out that well. we were all just talking for the first few hours ; brainstorming and all. sorry i was kinda tired at first :S at the end, we did twilight parody but i don't know whether its done or not yet. we did another really random vid as well, but it was unfinished. maybe next time when we are more focused ? haha :D
(pictures on syaza's blog!)
i just advertised your blog syaza; you better thank me. HAHA

as for last saturday, chris and I went to look for jobs. hari haran and harris were suppose to join us ; hari said he was in IoI mall and he couldnt make it where as harris was still sleeping. practically, we got rejected for more than 10 times cause of our age. most of them are accepting only 16 and above. whhyyyy!

ohyeahh, any futsallers out there interested in joining a futsal competition?
on the 20th nov ; at sportsplanet ; un15 !
( harris organising , helping out to hebohkan. lol )


good luck to all spm sitters!
put in all you got people;
don't put 11 years of studies to any waste!
God bless :D


Tuesday 4 November 2008

3 , 2 , 1 , smile !

so, here are some other pictures I took during our cameron trip;
i thought they deserved to be posted up, so here they are;
and remember, they're all random pictures!
enjoy? :D

the next james pond ?

emo strikes :S

ski masks don't go well with glasses,

and now, pictures of people sleeping!

trust me, he was sleeping.


haha, thats all for nw.
ohyeah, the next time u see your friend sleeping;
pose with them!


anw, if any of u who happened to be in the pictures above don't want your pics to be there, please tell me so.
ill remove them.


Monday 3 November 2008

'Is your last name Gillete cause your the best a man can get'.
got it from;

'whaat ? i was bored!'

oh no, holidays are coming and i'm getting broke soon. how am i suppose to enjoy with a nearly empty pocket ? and i'm done constantly asking my parents for cash; i feel kinda bad.

' i know, im obviously a good son. what took you so long to figure that out?'

i came up with a few solutions to my problem, here they are ;

1) start saving and stop spending.

that sentence above sounded like it was from a campaign or something. HAHA
anw, i doubt this will help me save any money at all! im not the kinda person who has a piggy bank in their bedroom. although some piggy banks do look cute. LOL i actually have some piggy banks given to me by my parents way back in time. the only reason i kept them when i was younger was to keep them as deco. HAHA

2) get a PART-TIME job.

this sound like a better solution than the previous one. i might be going out to look for one maybe in this week. i regret not going out to look for one earlier, its already the beginning of nov and i was only planning to work for a month. that means if i get a job, ill have to sacrifice some of my dec hols. and with a basketball tournament coming up, i hope my future boss will give me more breaks :D AHHA

and if the part-time job doesn't work out,
my very last solution is ;

3) to rob! :D

HAHA , or maybe not.


Sunday 2 November 2008

time to pull my socks up.

i went to school today for basketball between classes. its a small tournament organized by the school i guess , to make all the form3 students come to school. darn you school! just for the fun of it, some of us joined . adrian, hanafi, raymond, usern , pudding and i played for team 3 Amanah. yohann, shubash and bing xi are supposed to be in the team; but they have kwn stuff at the last minute. anw, we played against 3 G for our first game. there were good opponents ; but we made it with a win. after the game, we ponteng-ed out. the teachers actually expects us to go into the dewan to sit there in our sweaty clothes ? konon nyer , they have activities for us. bet its all gonna be a waste of time, lucky we didn't stay back. walked to melur for something light, before going home.

'my back hurts man, im getting old.'

its gonna be basketball basketball basketball for the next few months. im gonna need to train! some tournaments are coming; and im not close to ready. im like a rusty old nail already. must run, must pass , must shoot HAHA lucky i got my new pair of nike's in time. before this i have been using my north star school shoe for bball. pity that shoe man, gonna start talking anytime! ohyeah, another training later ; im kinda excited ?


first of all,

happy birthday to :

Nicole Phang


Wilson Pang ! (a really old pic)

may u guys have a blasted birthday this year!

two thumbs up ; one for each of u guys. HAHA

i don't do birthday wishes often on my blog so you guys better appreciate this :D
anw, i doubt you guys even come to my blog. LOL

mh.coec :D