Monday 27 October 2008

cameron highlands! (24-26 oct 08')

the trip to cameron was awesome! so lets just get started ;

day one ( 24th oct )

everyone gathered in front of school waiting for the bus to come and pick us up. the bus fellow came late , 30 minutes or so. that wasn't pleasing at all, trust me. ohwell, typical malaysians. ( as much as i dont want to, i understand u, bus driver) LOL anw , the journey was very looooongg. 3-5 hours , arnd there. we watched 'vantage point' and some 'prison break' episodes in the bus. ohyeah, i got alot of pictures of people sleeping. HAHAH . if u guys are lucky, i might post some of them up later :P to all the victims : 'sumpah maafkan saya tau.'

on the way up, we dropped by at a waterfall place called ' Hutan Lipur Lata Iskandar'. the waterfall was nice. 'air beralir dgn deras sekali.'

and then, we continued our journey up. we then reached ' Hotel Wira Awana'. it shouldnt be called a hotel, more like a MOTEL. or is there anymore lower than motel ? the rooms were kinda crowded and the facilities there were't that good. well, some of us were ok with it coz it was just a night there. the girls were definitely not happy. but in the end, everyone coped with that one night there. ohyeah, all of us walked over to a kareoke place at 10 plus. even a can of coke there costs rm10! all of us had to buy something , in order to use the kareoke place. what a pain in the wallet that was. HAHA well, it was worth it after that. only some of us got to sing, didnt have much time. qistina, usern, bella , raymond , yohann, shu and a whole lot others sang. hanafi and i sang 'Its my life - bon jovi' my voice sucked while he rocked the whole song. haha!

in the bus to cmrn hglnds.

waterfall yg agak deras.

hanafi with one of the org asli.

the inside of the guys room.

in some shop we went ?
look at amanda. haha

'baik ko sumpah bagi duit !'


who doesn't love the leaves ?

both checking out shades.

back in the motel.

no comment man!

we found a sink on the rooftop (weird eh?)
since the toilets were sinkless there,
we went up to brush our teeth.
and u don't wana know where we spit out our toothpaste.

day two. ( 25th oct)

didnt really sleep the whole night. maybe and only , one hour or so. some of us were waiting for the sun to rise. and since there was a rooftop at that place, it would be nice. we waited abt 6.30am , then went up at 7am again. the sun didnt come out -.-! the clouds were thick or something , so we ended up regreting for not sleeping the night before that. HAHA

visited some tea plantation, and then we jungle trekked later! most of us didnt know that we were gonna jungle trek as we thought it was canceled. most of us wore jeans, carried heavy bags, and the girls had their handbags. HAHA . so then we jungle trekked. we were suppose to reach robinson's waterfall in about 30-45 mins, but we kinda got lost on the way there. and we didnt hire a guide! there were 2 broken down trees which blocked our path and a whole lot other muddy and slippery encounters we had to face. at the end , we took 3-4 hours to get out of the jungle. thank God everyone was alright , no serious injuries, and no one got lost. ooh, just so u guys know, the jungle we trekked was where some people got lost before. and a bunch of 15 year old city kids like us made it out in just hours , bangga ke tak ? :D

after the tiring trek, we got lunch. I had steamboat with Charlotte, Usern and Raymond. it was so tummy filling. LOL. later, the bus took us all to Sri Juliana Hotel. now, this can be called as a hotel. it's facilities are goooood! neat rooms, ok toilets and a bbq stand for us to have dinner. AWESOME! so later that night, we had barbeque and marshmallows. my marshmallows couldnt melt -.-! ohyeah, we punk'd Nana! and raymond indirectly. LOL! its a really long story, so i wont write it here. they sure looked worried! HAHAH

saying goodbye to the 'motel'

at some tea plantation.

trekking begins!

place where we had our bbq night.

bbq dinner.

day three (26 oct)

everyone woke up early to pack their stuff by 9am. all packed and left Sri Juliana Hotel. on the way back, we visited the morning market and a strawberry farm. the morning market was filled with lotsa vegie and fruits (strawberries). most of them bought vegie back for their mums. their mums must have given a list of vegie to buy before going to cameron. hahaaa . i bought cactuses instead, they looked unique doh. there were too many i couldnt choose. charlotte helped me :D others bought strawberries, key chains, more vegie and others. later, we arrived at a strawberry farm. it had a ' pick your own strawberry' thing where u buy a tray for rm20 and then u go into the farm to pick your own. dont think any of us tried it ; coz the strawberries at the market were way cheaper ? hahahaa lepas tu , we headed back home . the bus trip back was way better than the one to cameron. the end!

leaving the hotel.

moves after watching power rangers?

breakfast at some mamak stall.

walking to the strawberry farm.

wondering what they're laughing at?

well, this is it. READ!
(pyo is 'pick your own')


market ; yohann happy with the cowboy hat he bought.

choc strawberries, yum yum.

bus ; on the way back.


this cameron trip wouldnt be a blast if it wasnt for ;

u-sern ( the one who has been leading us throughout the trip)
hajar (the one who planned everything)
nana ( the one who helped with everything)
bella ( the one who did the same as nana , LOL)
raymond ( the security dude)

and last but not least ;

every single one who made it for the trip.

thanks guys!

ooh, and i saved the best picture for last, here it is ;

mh.coec :]

Sunday 19 October 2008

the trunkless tree.
Tagged by : ahh manda.

1.) What is the relationship of you and her/him?
uuhh , we're friends. i call her nerd :D

2.) Your 5 impressions towards her/him?

1) nerd , haha , im kidding!
2) friendly .

3) always high. (most of the time)

4 ) sporting person.
5) funnnyy

3.) The most memorable things she/he had done for you.

erm, i think she helped me with some favours before. trima kasih

4.) The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
' oii ! ' ( i know, a big sweat ! )

5.) If she/he become your lover, you will..

pinch myself until i wake up from my sleep and say 'phew, glad that was over'
haha, what im trying to say is , she's just a friend :D

6.) If she/he become your enemy, you will...

eat ? ( what am i to do ? LOL )

7.) If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on..

kami kawan, right nerd ?

8.) If she/he become your enemy, the reason is...
she ate my food from my plate.

9.) The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
give me my food back ?

10.) The overall impression of her/him is..

orang yg baik.

11.) How do you think the people around you feel about you?

lousy ?

12.) The character of you for yourself is?

lousy .

13.) What do you hate about yourself?
my lousiness .

14.) The most ideal person you want to be is?
a better SELF :D

15.) For the people who care about you and like you, say something to them

care to join me for supper ? im hungry nw .

Five people to tag:

1. Charlotte !
2. Syaza

3. Brandon

4. Yohann

5. May

Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
no one for now .

No. 3 a male or a female?

male ? ( lame question )

4 and no. 5 were together, would it be a good thing?
hmmm , why not ?

How about no. 1 and 5?

What is no. 2 studying about?
why dont u just ask her , her num is 01x xxxxxx

Is no. 4 single?
for now.

Say something about no. 3.
basketball addict. go bball !

thats all for now. will be heading back to school again tmr.
mh.coec :D

Saturday 18 October 2008

no more PMR fever !

hey guys , Pmr is over! man, that one week of hardcore exams passed by so quickly. its like i took my last paper just yesterday. ooh wait, its saturday today , IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY. man, time passes by so quikly out of the window. i just need to catch hold of it. its already the 10th month of the year. by the time u go to your kitchen and get a glass of water , it will already be new year. get what i mean ?

u know , sitting for pmr is actually quite fun. the part where we take our exams in the hall part. funny stuff can happen during/before/after the exams. stuff that some certain people do and then thought that no one will be able to notice, but the truth is, there are people looking arnd. HAHA . ohyeah, teachers must actually follow if ur heading to the toilet. thats quite sad isnt it? lucky they will just wait outside. PHEW

i visited this website just now. its a website i visited really often before i took my BM exam. thx to syaza for telling me of it. so, i just visited it just now. expecting the blogger person to put out contoh jawapan for pmr questions. well, he didnt. or maybe he did , i dont know coz something caught my eyes before i continue to scroll down. its about some pmr students in melaka being 'kuarantined' coz the bilik kebal that keeps the exam papers couldnt be opened. the key to it broke or something. they even got firemens to open up the bilik kebal ! wooaahhh. its making those exam papers sound so IMPORTANT , as if jessica alba was trapped in there. HAHAH

ahhh , some of the papers were tough doh. like science , history , geo. and most of the chinese students said that the chinese paper was ' a killer ' . lucky , i dont take chinese ! phew. ohyeah, not much shouted or screamed their lungs out aft the geo paper. hahah. teachers were trying to prevent 'misbehaviour' , forcing the students to leave to school straight away after the last paper was done. ' why are u kicking us out ? isn't school our second home !?' hahahh .

thats all for now.

our last day of theme's in tuition :D

a really old song. but its stil darn nice. ahah

mh.coec :D

Thursday 9 October 2008

Get your pencils and pens ready kids , its about time !

its just three more days of studying before pmr !

three more !
isn't everyone just excited and all hyped up or what ?
can't wait till its all over .
all the studies can be put aside,
and then there will be more time to do those stuff i didnt get to do ,
like :

1) staring at my sister's hamsters ( didnt have time to do it due to PMR)
2) sleeeeepp ( uncountable sleepless nights due to PMR )
3) eat ( gotten skinnier due to PMR )

and lastly ,

4) to day dream ( once again, due to PMR )

hahahahhahahahh !
who am i kidding ?
im not gonna do those stuff ,
ill be too excited for any of those.
(or maybe not)

alright, gotta go now. study study study. im suppose to be out in about 5 minutes . Sh*T !
im becoming really punctual these days.

anw, good luck to all pmr students !
have fun :D

being ambushed in the toilet is never nice.

mh.coec :D