Tuesday 23 September 2008

a blue tuesday .

hey, did u all know something ? its just 19 more days till pmr ! yeah, 19 more stressful days ! isn't everyone just excited ? i can already imagine the last day of pmr , [imagination begins] students jumping for joy after the geo paper (wheee!) , firecrackers being lighed up everywhere in school ( bim bam boooshh!) , students shouting over joyed for the right reasons and some others getting injured from the firecrackers (ouch!)

yeah, i know. my imagination rocks socks :D i won't deny it.

ohyeah, second trials just ended yesterday. because of that, alot of ppl took study leave today. its a new word learned for me , (study leave). it means to take a 'leave' from school to study at home , defined by yohann. sounds like a really good excuse to miss school if u ask me :D

[the sad part of the day begins]

i kinda regreted going to skool today. i got my hair TRIMMED off by pn chieng. the last time she caught me with long hair during assembly, she gave me a chance to cut my hair the next day. this time, she didnt really listen to all i've said. all my excuses didn't work the second time ! noooooo . so, she did her TRIMMING while complaining about how my hair is always long. blah blah blah blah. i sensed that she wasn't in a good mood. LOL . it must be all the exam fever that caused all this. damn the exams, it indirectly cost the lost of some of my hair ! what a 'good hair day' :S

ohh, i got my kh result back. 85% :) pn ng said most of us are already able to get 'a' for kh, its all at our fingertips. im never taking that into my head! its just gonna make me over confident for my kh. nice try pn ng, its not gonna work on me . LOL :D

as for tution , the theme was ' tie day'. the theme says it all . we all wore ties in tution , except for some -.- ties actually look good on round-collar t-shirts. and its definetely not weird to wear a tie in tutions. as long as u have a group that does the same ! :D and syaza brought her nintendo ds, so we got to do some interesting quizes in it. pictures are just posted up since its freshly stolen from eugene's blog. hahah

wait, where are all the ties ?

a little gloomy for this one. who switched off the lights ?

urhhhh, camera only detected aifa's smile.

maths all over the whiteboard.
where's ian ?

mh.coec! :)

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