Friday 8 August 2008

Police : Freeze, or ill tell you a joke !

anjalan class was not as bad as i expected. the first few days of anjalan class were all study , study and study. practically, every teacher that came in gave an exam and i obviously did not do that well. expeacially in KH, SEJARAH and BM ! major problems , can somebody help ? and to top it all of, everyone in berlian are smart except for me. i kinda felt the 'aura of studying' while i was in berlian . LOL

anw, its gonna be the 6th month soon. but sadly , its during my trials next week. *WHY!* ohwell, ill find a way. screw trials ! im not ready for it at all. and it was just today pn natlie said that, ' Trials will be counted if anything happens to your PMR paper'. nooooooooo !


you know what ? im gonna study! *semangat belajar* but after my long sleep that is . zZzzZzz!

random picture :

i miss her badly now :(

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