Wednesday 20 August 2008

It was all part of the plan :D

the one week holiday after trials is just a perfect way to release stress. i studied like a mad bull trying to brush up all my studies before each exam man. so right now , i think ; ohwait , i dont think , I KNOW that i deserve a shoooort rest during the holidays :) so all i've did for the past three days of hols were ; basketball ( its a must isnt it ? ) , help Ian and Yohann's group in KWN ( i hope i helped. lol ) , and lepak with some other friends.


played basketball in the morn. meet up with chan sheong who seems slightly fairer in the face. i wonder how he got fairer. sk3 ? ooh, and for those who are wondering why am i speaking of his fairness. well, chan sheong is just concern of his skin colour. LOL anw, bball was tiring. i ran out of stamina and was practically gasping for air -.- ( dah lamer tak train bball lah tu ) those who were there : divo , eleena and jowin , chris , faiqah and adam , adrian , darren , cs and other unfamiliar unknowns. i actually called some others but apparently some ffk-ed us. u guys know who u are, there's no need to hide.

lepas tu , faiqah's mum belanja-ed us lunch. (thx again mak faiqah!) we were freaking hungry we got pizzas. not just one, not two , but four large pizza's and there were only 6 of us plus faiqah's 3 siblings. first i thought we were able to munch them all down. i was wrong. there were just too many extra slices ! afterthat, i played this fifa game with faiqah's bro. i lost 6-2 and i had two players of mine sent off. ohwell , i gave chance :P then we played monopoly -.- i gotta admit it was kinda fun to play with ppl who were so into the game. lol


we had reunion/together-gather at usj4 park. and most of them were actually early! I was surprised/amazed/shocked/hungry/ and glad. so, as usual we shot hoops. i got one and a half of biggulp in the 7-11 there. paid extra 1.20 to the cashier dude for the other half (refill) coz that was my only small change. lepas tu, yohann and ian did their kwn filming. i kinda helped abit :D Gou was the newscaster. after that, went to syaza's place. played tennis on wii and we also made a video before we left. hahaha.


i didnt do anything at all. lazed at home for the whole day. yawwnn !

random pictures (in tution) :

clean, spanky white.

thats not pink yohann.

noooo, lala pose !

take two.

brownie's pointing ?

we tried to be convicts for a day .

if u didnt know, convicts pose for the camera too.


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