Saturday 28 June 2008

Celebrating Father's Day 08'
(wth is wrong with ? all the words i typed were in blue and underlined just now ) -.-

I finally got the pictures taken on father's day ! do enjoy looking at the pictures first before i continue.

London bridge has fallen down, fallen down ..

Amelia enjoys jumping on the big blue ball :]

and she shares it with Sophia too. awwww :)

all the cousins in the house .

Amelia is getting bigger. and heavier.


father's day was fun this year. i know its kinda late to update about it, three weeks late to be exact , BUT like what they always say, Better late than never ! very useful excuse when u hand in ure homework late in school. but if u get a spank or a smack from ure teacher, mun hong is never responsible ! :P


i got to meet my auntie and my cousins from america. uncle mike is still in america, gonna come to m'sia soon. amelia and sophia are still darn cute ! look at the pics above . and they have american ascent , espeacially Sophia, the younger one :) she has a blanket that she carries almost everywhere possible. she called it blankie :) as for amelia, she likes being carried alot. ahha

more about father's day,

we had steamboat. yum yum . and chocolatte marsmallow, but marshmallows didnt really worked out -.- then celebrated father's day.

until ere. more updates soon.

mh_coec :)

Saturday 21 June 2008

what do prison guards use to call each other ?
answer : CELL phones !! hahah . get it ?


im rusting . its not that i was good in the first place , but im just getting lousier . watching some of my other msss team mates gaining more experience and getting better day by day , just makes me feel left behind. they're all improving and im not. =.-'


erm, getting better i guess ? eventhough sometimes i 'accidentally' fall asleep in class, i can slightly understand what the teachers are saying :D


well , things are alright :] there were some stuff that pulled me down , and alot other stuff that was just pleasing . haha

thats all for now. what a short post this is . hahah

mh_coec :]

Monday 16 June 2008

Lesson of the day : .... wait, i didnt learn anything new today :P


happy belated birthday to maymay !

[ pictures will be uploaded soon from manda's n jia's cam ]

ooh, her bday was on the 15th of june. the same day as fathers day ! haha. what a coincidence. the whole process of the surprise till she was surprised , was caught on camera. it will be posted here as soon as i get it or something. anyway, those who were there were, Amanda, Jia , Charlotte n I . well, hope she liked the surprise :]

ohyea, it was organised by Amanda/Jia. credits to them.

Saturday 14 June 2008

new link guys , its

but since your reading this , you should already know. LOL .

k , thats all for now. its 4.35am on a fathers day , and i just watched spain beat sweden [2-1] . what a sad fathers day for the swedish , they could have gotten a draw at least BUT villa had to go and score on the 90+2nd minute. pity those fathers in sweden ! LOL

anw , i think im rooting for netherlands or portugal this time , since england is not in the euro 2008 =.='

mh_coec :]
Tagged by Eugene Gan. (some asnwers are 'changed' since amanda complained -.- )

RULE1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves..
RULE 2. Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
= go emo man. who will be happy about it ? ( changed )

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
= the dream where i was playing in NBA alongside with Kobe Bryant ! hahah. nahh , im thinking of another dream.

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
= erm, can i smack instead ? KIDDIN.
but if i have to kick someone's arse right now, it will have to be pn norlia for being the new penolong kanan. (changed)

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
= spend. donate .

5. What is so nice about ur lover?
= more than words can describe :)

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
= being loved :)

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Time will tell, so shutup with the love already [ eugene's answer ] - :D

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
= laugh out loud ?

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
= got lah :P

10. What takes you down the fastest?
= the lift !

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
= erm, going to start work already ?

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
= my love ones ?

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
= eugene ? he is eugeney. ahha. [serious] he's v. friendly , even to total strangers. haha

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
= m but p ? i dont know.

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up
= open my eyes to see the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l world. LOL

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
= uh huh.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
= urm , the better one ?

18. What type of people do you hate?
= the type of people who created these questions. too LAME . haha

19. List 6 people to tag

anyone else can do these crappy tag, just for the FUN ?


Thursday 12 June 2008

back to school again.

woah, its just one week since school re-open , and now i got so much homework on my shoulders. heavy burden on my shoulders pulling me down down down. ooh, maybe thats why im not getting taller these days. MATHS espeacially. arghhh , maths textbook , maths activity book. so much for a relaxing weekend.

volume of pyramid = 1/3 x base area x height
volume of cylinder = pie x r x r x height [ is it even right ? ]

besides my heavy and burden-ful homework , i also got my exam results back. marks kinda dropped for this exam. my BM is still a 'B' . never have i gotten an 'A' for bm since like std6 man. how the hell am i gonna get 7 'a's for PMR lah ? everyone is expecting 7'a's , and it seemed so easy for those who got it already. How do you'all do it !? The last time they expected 5'a's for UPSR and i got only 4 must have dissapointed some. Lucky its not an improtant exam, LOL. oooh crapp, PMR is just four months away.

okay , ill study more from now on. and im damn serious . HAHA !

until ere.

was thinking of u :)
ooh, thats not ju-onn behind me , thats my sis :P
mh_coec :]

Thursday 5 June 2008

ohno, my blog is doing it again , its collecting DUST !


hey u, yeah u . welcome back to the not-so-oftenly-visited blog ! if ure a first-timer ere , please don't be shy to leave a message or a comment on ure right [ points my finger to the right ] >>>
and if your a usual visitor, do leave more comments or messages ?

alright , all the crapping has gotten me into the 'blogging' mood already :]

so, last wednesday HOTandLOW had a meeting. all were suppose to meet at the park in usj3/3c at 11am. but some were XTRA 'punctual'. u know who u are people. *ahem*ahem* haha. kidding ! then we all meet up, got lunch and then got back to sanesh's place to discuss and shoot a vid. for the first 30mins or maybe an hour or so , we are all practically playing around with other stuffs. example like, playing the toy guns in sanesh's hse which was really cool ! [this may sound kiddy BUT trust me, it is cool . ] , then surfed the net to get inspiration on what to make a video of . ooh, some of the guys got to catch fairly odd parents on tv that time too , so that kinda distracted us as well . hahah !

then, we started making the video. and at the end, we got to finish it on time. syaza and julia edited the vid but the bacground sounds are not put in yet. it will be posted on youtube soon i guess. i will tell u guys about it , dont worry :]

guess thats all for that wednesday.

random pic :

goofing off . hahah .

hey, we can get serious sometimes , except for pang =.='!
[man i look weird]
mh_coec :]