Sunday 12 November 2006

......... update ...................... update

got no idea wat to write in this post . so i did the survey [ below ] . =.=

1. Does anyone know your password to
your email?

hmmmm .. only two of my frens . but i guess they 4got bout it d . lol .

2. What was the last thing you ordered at

hmm . donT rmb ler .. to make it easier . food n drink .

3. Are you an emotional person?

a little .

4. Do you like your name?

itz ok .

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?

a little .

6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?

yup . =P

7. What was the last thing you did?

doiNg this . ?

8. Who is right next to you?

no one .

9. Who was the last person you ate with?

famiLy .

10. What song are you listening to right

sonGz from planet shakers !

11. How's the weather right now?

itz alright ??

12. Last person who called/sms you?

call: divo .
sms : havent get my hp bac . aikz .

14. Last song you sang?

i dunnoe . keke

15. Last time you danced?

dunnoe how to dance . lol

16. Lost a friendship over something

nope .

18. Last thing you ate?

chicken curry .

19. Been really depressed before

jz a little .

20. Faked being sick to miss school?

. yup .

21. What time did you wake up today?

. 11 am

22. Current taste?

taste ?

23. Who is the person that posted this

forgot . lol

24. What are you wearing right now?

clothes .

25. Are you too shy to ask anyone out?

i dunnoe. depends who that person is .

26. What is the first thing you notice
about the opposite sex?

.. =.= ??

27. Where are you right now?

home .

28. What date and day is it?

12/11/06 sundaY

29. Did you go anywhere today?

at home the whole day . =.=

30. What did you do there?

sleep . zzz

31. How old are you?

13 . young n still living .

33. Are you mature or immature?

i dunnoe . =.=

34. Do you call your parents by their first

nope .

35. Are you an only child?

nope .

36. Where do you go shopping?

hmm .. places la .

37. Do you like where you work?

not workin yet.

38. Do you like books?

depends wat book is it .

39. Do you want to get married?

not yet la .. swt . so young !! . haha .

40. To whom?

dunnoe . =.=

a boring survey . !!

guess thatz all for now .

~mUn HoNg~

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