Tuesday 14 November 2006

.. the LasT daY of skooL . [ 13 / 11/ 06 ] ..

hmmm .. as usual . we plaYed cards . speed was the most famous game played in my class . i played wit umi n eleena . lost to umi n i beat eleena .. eleena cheated quite a few times . [ haih , kenot blame her la . she cheats all the time . n wat she will say is ' sorry . ter-cheat ] haha . =.= ' . then we took pic's . . me , chris , kanch n usern wanted to make a video but there wasnt much time . so , the video tak jadi . . then took pic's again .. then played cards .sum of our cards kena rampas . haih , last day tak boleh dikecualikan ke ? . .=.= . so , that was pretty much wat we did . took pic's . played . cards kena rampas . n other stuff la .

aikz , im tired n bored now . so i guess thatz all for now . i tink this is the shortest post ive written . lol .

~mUn HoNg~ =.=

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