Wednesday 29 November 2006

29th nov 2006

nothing interesting happened today .. a normal boring day at home . what i did today was :

- wake up at 10 . [ slept 12 hours last night . too tired =..= ' ]

- ate my breakfast

- watched death note .. [ verY cooL movie ! ]

- ate lunCh ..

- watched tv all afternoon ..

- played bball in the evening ..

- ate my dinner and watched more tv ..

- used the com .. n ere i am now . posting this blogg ..

well , i guess thatz all for now .

~mUn HoNg~

Monday 27 November 2006

ppL tengah makan . . lol .

the organisers . aqilah , julia n syaza . . f.y.i . im not the organiser of the reunion . . i was jz there to advertise the 7up can ! keke

a pic taken without me knowing . . dunno wat sanesh was pointing at . lol

candid shot . . ppl shootin for a bball match .. [ the court was verY wet ! ;p ]

pplz !! .. definetly not aliens .. find me wit my 7up can . lol

kz , guess thatz all then ..

~mUn HoNg~
REUNION !! n' yohann's bday party . =D

well , there was a bball reunion on the 25th November . which was jz last week .. muidz n i went to the usj 4 bball court at around 8.10 ... we were expectin the organisers of the reunion [ syaza , julia n aqilah ] to b there but surprisingly they werent there . . kj was there alot earlier than us .. the three of us looked blur at the side of the court as both halfs of the court were occupied .. one half fillled wit older boys and the other half filled wit gurls n a guy . few minutes later , sanesh came along ... so , we started walking to ridwan's n brandon's .. ridwan couldnt cum bcoz he had tution at 9-11 .. [ tution during the hols . lol . itz kinda weird for him to hav tution on hols .. ] then arrived at brandon's hse .. he pulak couldnt go coz he was gona go out wit his family . . but he cycled all the way to petronas to buy drinkz for the reunion jz b4 goin out .. wat a kind fela !

then , we walked bac to the bball court .. met up with syaza n gang . . played bball .. then syaza took sum pic's . [ i might be puttin them ere soon ] .. main main main .. then we walked to a nearby mamak to makan breakfast ... we didnt havta buy drinkz coz there were xtra drinkz wit us .. so , all we did were buy food . makan .. talk . haha . . aft that , we jalan balik to the bball court and played a little bball b4 goin bac . .. so , that wass all tht happened during the reunion .. everyting was fun overall but it could hav been if more ppl came on that day .. =.=

after all that .. came bac home .. bathed .. n had a little lunch .. then i slept from 2 til 5 ... zzZzzz .. lol . once i woke up , i got a call from yohann .. he wanted to invite me to his bday which was that night itself . jz a few hours away . . it was kinda last minute but i stil got to go for his party .. i went there at around 6.45 . . shubash n sum of yohann 's sister's frens were there ... so , we played the p.s. . . then had snacks b4 havin barbeque for dinner . . aft all of that , yohann cut his cake and then took pic's wit his family .. then , yohann , shubash n i watched sum video's from youtube including the video where the std 6 kid jummped off from the second floor of skss [ my old skool ] .. was kinda shocked to c that act .. =.= . we also watched other videos like ah long bukit beruntung n mr boombay . . haha . hilarious videos ! aft that i went home . checked my frenster acc n chatted wit sum ppl b4 heading to sleep .. zzzZZzzz ...

well , that was wat happened on that saturday . [ 25th November ] .. hope u enjoy this boring blog ! =.=''

signing off ::

~mUn HoNg~

Tuesday 14 November 2006

bored , tired n nothing to do . .

result . :: doing this . =.= . hehe

Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. Don't read the questions before you write, and tag 5 people to do this survey.

1. syaza
2. chris
3. kanch
4. u sern
5. siew may
6. neeraj
7. kok jian
8. eleena
9. umi
10. justin
11. charlotte
12. nicole
13. jia yuan
14. divo
15. sanesh
16. yohann
17. brian
18. aaron
19. hari haran
20. vincent

How did you meet 14? [ divo ]

= from skool ..

What would you do if you never met 1? [ syaza ]

= nvm . can find for a new fren .lol . jk . well, i would be a moody boy in my primary skool ir it wasnt for her .

What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? [ vincent n' umi ]

= . hmm .. they dont look matching but i tink i would work out . =P

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? [ brian n' neeraj ]

= neeraj n brian ?? . wow ! . waddya tink ?

Describe 3 : [ kanch ]

= a very funnY fren . loves taking pic's . n she is alwayz there to cheer u up !

Do you think 8 is attractive? [ eleena ]

= eleena ?? . not reli . =.= but to sum ppl , she is .

Tell me something about 7. [ kok jian ]

= very loyal fren . funny n smart guy !

Do you know any of 12's family? [ nicole ]

= i saw her mum b4 . but dun tink she rmbers me . i noe her bro .

What is 18's favourite? [ aaron ]

= the com . . i guess .

What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you? [ charlotte ]

= nah , wont happen . she my sis ! .

Who is 9 going out with? [umi ]

= no one . i guess .

How old is 16 now? [yohann]

= 13 .

When is the last time you talked to 13? [ jia uan ]

= jz a few dayz ago . ,,!,, ,,!,,

Who's 2's favourite singer? [ chris ]

= not so sure . .

Would you date 4? [ u sern ]

= ofcoz not !

Is 15 single? [ sanesh ]

= erm .. dunnooooo .

What is 10's last name? [ justin ]

= leeeee ??

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11? [ charlotte ]

= huh ?? . told u d la . my sis ! . simpsons family !

Which school does 3 go to? [ kanch ]

= my skool . lol . [ smk usj 13 ]

Where does 6 live? [ neeraj ]

= sum where in usj 20 !

Whats your favourite thing about 5? [ sm ]

= loyal fren . a cheerful person . n helpful too !

~mUn HoNg~

.. the LasT daY of skooL . [ 13 / 11/ 06 ] ..

hmmm .. as usual . we plaYed cards . speed was the most famous game played in my class . i played wit umi n eleena . lost to umi n i beat eleena .. eleena cheated quite a few times . [ haih , kenot blame her la . she cheats all the time . n wat she will say is ' sorry . ter-cheat ] haha . =.= ' . then we took pic's . . me , chris , kanch n usern wanted to make a video but there wasnt much time . so , the video tak jadi . . then took pic's again .. then played cards .sum of our cards kena rampas . haih , last day tak boleh dikecualikan ke ? . .=.= . so , that was pretty much wat we did . took pic's . played . cards kena rampas . n other stuff la .

aikz , im tired n bored now . so i guess thatz all for now . i tink this is the shortest post ive written . lol .

~mUn HoNg~ =.=

Sunday 12 November 2006

......... update ...................... update

got no idea wat to write in this post . so i did the survey [ below ] . =.=

1. Does anyone know your password to
your email?

hmmmm .. only two of my frens . but i guess they 4got bout it d . lol .

2. What was the last thing you ordered at

hmm . donT rmb ler .. to make it easier . food n drink .

3. Are you an emotional person?

a little .

4. Do you like your name?

itz ok .

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?

a little .

6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?

yup . =P

7. What was the last thing you did?

doiNg this . ?

8. Who is right next to you?

no one .

9. Who was the last person you ate with?

famiLy .

10. What song are you listening to right

sonGz from planet shakers !

11. How's the weather right now?

itz alright ??

12. Last person who called/sms you?

call: divo .
sms : havent get my hp bac . aikz .

14. Last song you sang?

i dunnoe . keke

15. Last time you danced?

dunnoe how to dance . lol

16. Lost a friendship over something

nope .

18. Last thing you ate?

chicken curry .

19. Been really depressed before

jz a little .

20. Faked being sick to miss school?

. yup .

21. What time did you wake up today?

. 11 am

22. Current taste?

taste ?

23. Who is the person that posted this

forgot . lol

24. What are you wearing right now?

clothes .

25. Are you too shy to ask anyone out?

i dunnoe. depends who that person is .

26. What is the first thing you notice
about the opposite sex?

.. =.= ??

27. Where are you right now?

home .

28. What date and day is it?

12/11/06 sundaY

29. Did you go anywhere today?

at home the whole day . =.=

30. What did you do there?

sleep . zzz

31. How old are you?

13 . young n still living .

33. Are you mature or immature?

i dunnoe . =.=

34. Do you call your parents by their first

nope .

35. Are you an only child?

nope .

36. Where do you go shopping?

hmm .. places la .

37. Do you like where you work?

not workin yet.

38. Do you like books?

depends wat book is it .

39. Do you want to get married?

not yet la .. swt . so young !! . haha .

40. To whom?

dunnoe . =.=

a boring survey . !!

guess thatz all for now .

~mUn HoNg~

Thursday 9 November 2006

- =.= uPdaTe !! =.= -

update update !! . thatz wat ppl call me to do these days .. haih . y am i becoming so lazy . =.= . hmmmm , nothiNg much happened these days .. got more results bac .. plaYed 24/7 in school .. bballin .. sleepiN . . eatiN . [ getting heavier . ! ] . n other stuff la . .

i guess ill write bout what happened today since ive got nothing else to write . lol . well , today .. [ 9/11/06 ] wasnt a bad day in school . .in fact , i tink is it the best day of skoolin in smk 13 . lol . so , as usual , all the students lined up in the ruang legar .. then , kanch n i helped our class teacher [ pn nurhayati ] with the food she brought 4 our class party . it was heavy n hot mee hoon . lol . aft that , we wasted sum time walking around the pejabat acting like we are suppose to help a teacher ... then , we played sum card games .. there were also sum of the 1 c students who ponteng-ed into our class . lol ... speed . chaw dai di .. memory .. black jack were the games we played . .

at around 3.00 p.m. , we [ 1 bakti la ] started cleaning the whole classroom 4 the party . .. then our class teacher came n the party started . it didnt turned out that bad .. the food and drinkz were great.. [ esther made me a speacial drink . it wasnt that bad . campuran of excel , sarsi , orange mirinda n sum others .. ] sadly , the radio n the amps neeraj brought wasnt any use coz the electric sockets in our class werent working . . useless sockets !! . so , we had alot of food .. [ lucky my lunch wasnt that heavy .so , got alot of appetite to makan =) ] food like mee hoon , nasi goreng , KFC , sandwiches , aloT of junk food . etc etc . aft all the makan- ing .. we had games . those who werent playing had to sing coz no electricity 4 the radio . [ most probably the skoOl wana jimat elektrik =.= . totally use-less .. ] . but soon ppl got tired of singing . *phew* . lol . after all of that were over, . cleaned the class a little and then continue playing wit the cards ..

once the school bell rang , u sern , goucelia , kanch , brian , n sum others wet-ed divo as it was her bday .. i didnt wet her coz i was out of water .. lol . so at the end , she went home soaking wet wit cincau on her uniform . =P . happY bday divo !!

so i guess that was all that happened . thx 4 readin ..

~mUn HoNg~