Sunday 13 February 2011

if only i had fireworks display just outside my window . .

so is it me, or are people getting really rich these days?
there are tons of fireworks everywhere! :D
Not the cheap ones that look like they shot up ants to the sky;
we're talking about giant flowers up above!
they're just beautiful man.

Anyhow, yesterday was quite a day.
woke up to my alarm (fireflies-owlcity) around 9 cause i was suppose to go out job hunting with Gou and Mits. Gou overslept (as usual :p ) ! We tried looking for jobs in banks cause we heard from a friend that some do hire part-timers ; but i've got no clue what they'll make us do. Print money? Customer service? Who knows, we just wanted to try our luck with it, hoping that their pay would put a smile on our faces! :D

but when we got there, OH GREAT. The officer/guard said the office isn't open on saturdays, only weekdays. So yeahh! That pretty much wrapped up the whole 'job hunt' except for the part where we also tried out at Coffee Bean. Hope they'll call us up soon, haha!

So after "job hunt", i headed off to church for SCC practice :)
Gah, most of them were late when i thought i would be the late one! HAHA
but practice was good and SCC turned out great! the kids were just really happy, active during the games session and just so joyful :)
and sometimes i just feel like i can learn simple things from them, really amazing :D

after that, went over to Amos and Adelene's crib for dinner which was super yummy! Joash, May, Grace and Joel came along after their worship practice and it was just a good time we had there :) And oh, we also attempted on a few covers, but didnt get to do a full one we're satisfied with before the battery died. SO YEAH :D but we did manage to get a video of us having the oh so awesome dinner prepared by Amos! Will post it up soon .

mandarin oranges without flesh

during one of the games (SCC)

the mandarin orange was filled with a lighted candle,
creative eh! to whoever who made em :D

pictures of chilli Joash took,
looking hot and spicy, HAHA

and oh yes!
Have you seen this?


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