Thursday 17 February 2011

motherboards, external hard drives, and pandas.

Yeah, i'm currently working in a computer shop in Parade right now,
as in, even NOW as i'm typing.
yeah, work here is a bit flexible which is totally cool !
So if you need anything related to computer or even iphone cover,
give me a ring!
(i accept onion rings too)

Anyway, here's something random :)

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Kaleidescope madness :)
Imma nerd 8-|

these were all taken 2 weeks back;
caught a midnight movie called All's Well End's Well with Kah Yee and Tom,
the movie really wasn't as funny as i thought it would be, ohwell !

(here you go KY :D)


Sunday 13 February 2011

if only i had fireworks display just outside my window . .

so is it me, or are people getting really rich these days?
there are tons of fireworks everywhere! :D
Not the cheap ones that look like they shot up ants to the sky;
we're talking about giant flowers up above!
they're just beautiful man.

Anyhow, yesterday was quite a day.
woke up to my alarm (fireflies-owlcity) around 9 cause i was suppose to go out job hunting with Gou and Mits. Gou overslept (as usual :p ) ! We tried looking for jobs in banks cause we heard from a friend that some do hire part-timers ; but i've got no clue what they'll make us do. Print money? Customer service? Who knows, we just wanted to try our luck with it, hoping that their pay would put a smile on our faces! :D

but when we got there, OH GREAT. The officer/guard said the office isn't open on saturdays, only weekdays. So yeahh! That pretty much wrapped up the whole 'job hunt' except for the part where we also tried out at Coffee Bean. Hope they'll call us up soon, haha!

So after "job hunt", i headed off to church for SCC practice :)
Gah, most of them were late when i thought i would be the late one! HAHA
but practice was good and SCC turned out great! the kids were just really happy, active during the games session and just so joyful :)
and sometimes i just feel like i can learn simple things from them, really amazing :D

after that, went over to Amos and Adelene's crib for dinner which was super yummy! Joash, May, Grace and Joel came along after their worship practice and it was just a good time we had there :) And oh, we also attempted on a few covers, but didnt get to do a full one we're satisfied with before the battery died. SO YEAH :D but we did manage to get a video of us having the oh so awesome dinner prepared by Amos! Will post it up soon .

mandarin oranges without flesh

during one of the games (SCC)

the mandarin orange was filled with a lighted candle,
creative eh! to whoever who made em :D

pictures of chilli Joash took,
looking hot and spicy, HAHA

and oh yes!
Have you seen this?


Tuesday 8 February 2011


(is this giving you a headache already?)

Howdy! How are ya'll doing eh? (cowboy-ish)
Yeah, if you might not have noticed, i've stopped using Nuffnang (good riddance). im now a advertlet-er! (or something like that) So do click on the ads! (since you have nothing better to do, really)

and i've just posted up the chinese new year 2011 album on facebook !
More pictures to come!


Sunday 6 February 2011

Dear Nuffnang,

right now, i really need you to put up some advertisements here on my blog man.
No ads = frown on my face.
i mean, its really sad when i long to get on my comp after a power-packed day knowing that there aren't any ads to click on!
its like bees giving a sting and not knowing that death awaits just a few seconds later,
or even like peanut being slopped on bread knowing that butter isn't getting in this time.
Yeah, its so depressing not having an ad to click on, you know what i mean.

and to top it off, i'm now at the point of making ends meet.
without the ads to click on :
  • i find it hard to provide food on the table
  • loansharks are sharpening their jaws
  • car rents and house rents are murdering my wallet.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Yours truly/sincerely/barely ,

Friday 4 February 2011

Aunt: We will never be coming back here.
Manager: I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Aunt: No, don't be. I'm sorry for you.


1st of Feb 2011,

So Aunt Lenny organized a karaoke session for us cousins with the money we've collected over the pass few months last year. You see, she would collect a certain amount every month from us (almost like how a bully extorts your money[?] Nah im kidding) so that by the end of it all, we get to just go out and have a cousin's activity.


so it was GreenBox @ Aeon Jusco, Tun Hussein Onn! ze GreenBox was a total RIPOFF because,
1. They told my aunt on the phone that there will be lunch provided
2. it was overpriced at RM28

there weren't lunch at all when we arrived! So we got to Mcds for our lunch and then rushed back to the karaoke room. That was so not cool (loh) .

but at the end of the day, it was still an awesome day out with the cousins cause we're such great screamers on the mic! :D


and oh, i just uploaded the pictures on facebook !
and if you're cool, you'd click on my nuffnang ad :p


Monday 31 January 2011

black and yellow

just a few pictures from last week's cf that literally made me 'LOL'

HAHA (Shaun dont kill me)


(Y) to their expressions man!

epic phail!

will do a proper update soon

been putting this song on repeat for 86523456 times.


Sunday 9 January 2011

(or however you spell it)

Its almost one month since i've last updated, Heh!
so a lot has happened,
i've been going out for most of the time.
(thats pretty much where all my money went,
Dead Broke now)

so i'm not really gonna blog about all that cause that's gonna be a long winded granpa story,
coming straight at yo face to bore you to deep sleep.

Oh, i've recently started my own Project 365 on tumblr,
click here or here ,
even here or here to check it out :)
So that's where i'll be updating daily,
keeping stalkers like you updated.

and i've also started working part time for Han Woo Ri!
i'm only taking night shifts, so yeah, that's where i usually spend my dinner for a few days in a week
Do visit, its behind True Fitness, above Old Town Kopitiam!

(wow, that definitely felt as tho i was doing some ad)

Life Xtreme is kicking off 2011 with prayer month!
so if you're from New Life Shah Alam, and you're a youth;
don't forget to Pray :D
(prayer points and bible verse on your mini card!)

i've just joined the kids ministry and the worship ministry,
really want to just serve God with all i have :)
