Thursday 2 December 2010

YEAH, changed the header to this blog,
i freaking said hi.


Anyway, how's everyone feeling?
If you're a form5, im sure you haven't been getting much sleep lately huh?
(my eyebags said hi)
and if you're not a form5, bet you had too much sleep lately, didntcha?

So, this is going to be a short update,
its not gonna have anything related to SPM,
(i promise)

OH, Physics paper 3 today was just insanely ...
(did i manage to scratch that sentence there)

So yeah, i came across some really old pictures on fb and i thought of just sharing it here,
cause they're awesome.

okay, maybe this isn't that 'awesome'

Mun Jan, super cute little cousin :D
and thumbs up to my coconut hairstyle

definitely like the quality of this one with my Aunt :)

some time ago when us, cousins went for a hike,
good ol' times

and here, Mia trying to look like Megan Fox,
she does look like her right? :0

don't know why, but i like how this one looks like.
btw, that camera wasn't working, its an antique :)

and yeah, totally remember how we had to pose for Syaza's blogshop,
she's gonna get some clothes out after spm,

alright thats all for now,
catch you guys after spm?
and, Hi Hui Ching! :)

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