Monday 13 December 2010

3 .. 2 .. 1 .. Smile!

Hello world!
Guess what, I just bought a new camera a few days ago!

Here it is:

Yeah man, i totally LOVE this model
Canon <3 AHHAHAH

Nah, i didn't get that one,
(although i'm kinda regretting so right now)

Here's the one i got:

Canon EOS 500D :)
loving it

So here are some shots that i took:

forgot to Focus, heh!

Talk stalk: Yo shorrrttyy!
Short stalk: Whuuut?

and here are some others taken just last night at David's place:

a game we played,
i'd say its cross linked between Risk and WOW

Ian's game face yo!

And yeah, thats all!
Heading out to Pyramid now,
(Again!) Haha

and oh yeah,

Friday 10 December 2010

"Life is boring"

Friday, 10th December!

started off the day by waking up from an awesome sleep;
i've never gotten that kinda sleep throughout the spm season, EVER
and let me tell you, it felt great!
Its like, being told that you've just won 3 tickets to see Bieber getting a water bottle thrown at him or something!
Beliebers :0

and so yeah, later i was headed to pyramid!
hanged out with the usj4 bunch :)
have to say, it was great spending time with them;
had tons of fun and bumps! (bumper car)

and then all of a sudden we were playing that really childish game;
the one where you try to hit the other fellow's feet in one move, and the other fellow tries to avoid you from doing that? That game.
and that was such a good description on it.

Oh yes, its called the :
"Pepsi Cola"
(have you tried them both together before?)

and Syaza and I also managed to check the prices of the dslr cams we wanted;
i'm glad that EOS 500D is cheap there
Might just wana stop surveying and just get it from there;
i have no patience for this, haha

and then later at night, some of us headed to Empire;
for the Acts Teens Christmas Party!
so glad i can drive cause, if i couldn't ...

and yeah! It was an awesome party;
and Pastor Kenneth's 10mins was not boring at all. HAHA
(its like some inside joke)
You would get it if you were there!


And that wraps it up for an awesome day out;
Definitely looking forward to an awesome Saturday!

(can someone give me a better adjective that has equivalent strength to *awesome*?
I've been using that word too frequently)

and urhm, the parking in Empire sucks :/

also, Ocean-Monkeys are so cool!

(waiting for pictures to be uploaded on facebook,
so that i can rob them and place them here;

its not a crime, its called sharing)

So here are the stolen pictures:

Went for bumper car ride!
It was definitely bumpy, haha

JoonKeit's back from Ausie,
Thanks for the candies man, shared with my little cousins,
they enjoyed em

Group picture yo!

I prefer the blurer one tho

for more pictures click here
Thanks Syaza for them!

Saturday 4 December 2010

Listening to : Train - Words

words they'll try to shake you,
don't let them break you or stop your world from turning,
when words keep you from feeling good,
use them as firewood and let them burn

this must be like the ugliest thing you've probably seen huh?

Today was just another boooring day with a capital B,
but if you look at it from the 'study' aspect, then it has been a great day!
Studied the whole day, Gah. Getting lazier by the minute,
Just 3 more papers!

Can't wait to get my own dslr after spm man,
hmm, does anyone know if there's any upcoming promotions/events for canon/nikon dslr cams?

Oh and, Train rocks socks!

Thursday 2 December 2010

YEAH, changed the header to this blog,
i freaking said hi.


Anyway, how's everyone feeling?
If you're a form5, im sure you haven't been getting much sleep lately huh?
(my eyebags said hi)
and if you're not a form5, bet you had too much sleep lately, didntcha?

So, this is going to be a short update,
its not gonna have anything related to SPM,
(i promise)

OH, Physics paper 3 today was just insanely ...
(did i manage to scratch that sentence there)

So yeah, i came across some really old pictures on fb and i thought of just sharing it here,
cause they're awesome.

okay, maybe this isn't that 'awesome'

Mun Jan, super cute little cousin :D
and thumbs up to my coconut hairstyle

definitely like the quality of this one with my Aunt :)

some time ago when us, cousins went for a hike,
good ol' times

and here, Mia trying to look like Megan Fox,
she does look like her right? :0

don't know why, but i like how this one looks like.
btw, that camera wasn't working, its an antique :)

and yeah, totally remember how we had to pose for Syaza's blogshop,
she's gonna get some clothes out after spm,

alright thats all for now,
catch you guys after spm?
and, Hi Hui Ching! :)