Saturday 7 November 2009

this post shall be filled with RANDOM-NESS!
(considering its 3.10 am now,
and im still feeling really full)

  • according to my mum, we should not sleep with a full tummy, aint good for your tummy.
[whether its true or not, MANA TAU]

  • i should really put this down : I MUST eat well in parties and not get distracted, cause if i dont eat well, id die. fine, not die, just stomach ache.

  • i envy lady guitarists , orianthi! :0

  • sometimes, id really want to know what goes in your mind :B
[it will be cool to be a mind reader eh?
but the bad side definitely has to be the part,
where u will never get surprises]

which reminds me,
(inside joke)

  • if u breathe in helium, your lungs will grow bigger quicker. thus, enhancing your stamina!
[athletes should pay attention on these!]

  • IM feeling really tired, thinking of going to bed soon :/
  • okay fine, i lied about the helium thing. dont go trying please .
[but if you alrdy did, go try talking right after taking it in,
you will get a funny voice]

i didnt bother to try it tho.

time for bed.

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