Wednesday 26 August 2009

sa va ?

[ its hi , and how are you in french
though the spelling might not be correct,
just assuming so :) ]

how i spent my monday/tuesday :

i worked for shi hao's dad. he's opening a new shop in wangsa walk, a new mall which is still under construction. so shi hao and i helped out by carrying the stock and all the other small petty things. the stock wasn't LIGHT at all ! trust me, we could really feel the burn on our palms after dragging/carrying/ sleeping? on em. the friction + the force + the energy , yeah that, do the science! :)

but it was somewhat an experience for me i suppose. was my first time working, and it didnt feel that bad. one thing for sure that i've learned is that, MONEY SERIOUSLY DONT GROW ON TREES. money trees are used to con you people! wake up ! AHHHA
i remeber back when i was a kid, i believed that money trees produced sylings for me :0

my wednesday :

planned one really LAST minute plan with gou, mity, jue , marielle . eleena, divo and dhepan couldnt make it :( it was kinda planned like at 12 am plus earlier in the morning, and the plan was to have badminton at 9 am the same morn. i think last minute plans work out more often! AHAH . some was late , not to mention names :P hahah! i was late too , but at least i was the second to arrive :) after playing abit of badminton/basketball , we headed to melur. after a long period of persuading mithun to come along, he finally decides too. and it wasn't easy.. hahah . even marielle is calling mithun lazy now . hahahahha!

yeah lepas tu , we just pretty much hanged out till 3pm plus from melur to usj13 park. yeah, thats pretty much it. so thankful the weather was cloudier when we were in the park.
mm, thunder - boyslikegirls is nice, wonder why gou doesnt like it anymore -_____-?


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