Friday 6 February 2009

we're one year old !


oh wait, its friday the 13th!
ooohhhh , the horror!
nahh , i dont believe in it.

anw, school today was just gooood.
i brought the cupcakes i made to school ,
for a certain someone :)
and for my classmates since they wanted to try it so bad.

i know , you must be wondering ,
'munhong baked cupcakes?'
well , yeah i did. [amazed aren't cha ?]
it was actually my first time baking and i gotta admit ,
it was yummy!
hahahahh! at least , thats what i think!
and ohyeah, i got the recipe from bella. thanks!

most of them said the cupcake was lack of icing. well , i actually tasted the icing before putting it on the cupcake , and i didnt really like the taste of it. so , i obviously didnt put much. i thought it was gonna destroy the cupcakes ; and then the cupcakes will suddenly start to enlarge and ends up destroying town! ohh crapp , lucky i didnt put that much of icing! i saved town ; i feel so 'superman' . anyone wants my autograph? it will be worth millions once they showcast me on tv :D seriously


what else happened in school ?
raymond , bella , dev , yohann , and i got busted by rozaimi .
its a looong story but to summarise things ,

1) we broke the class lock using a cutter cause one of our friend didn't bring the key ,
which made us move to another empty class for the time being.
2) apparently , it was wrong to break the lock ( even after we did it afew times last time )
3) we kinda had teacher's permission on doing so , but we're still considered guilty.
4) we were accused on doing a ' kesalahan besar' by popiah.

thats pretty much all .
anw , im not blaming anyone here.
just telling the story.

guess thats all for nw,
will update this blog of mine when i do .
happy valentines day ;D

munhong.coec :)

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