Friday 20 February 2009


man , bloody facebook is slow.
its like the page will never show itself until christmas comes !
anw, i was about to buy friends on facebook ,
you know , the friends for sale thingy ?
where you buy a friend and make them as your pet ,
and then u can make that pet do crappy stuff ? but there's limited activities tho -.-

exams are just weeks away.
i might be expecting some red marks this time ,
haven't really studied since the start of the year yet.
who on earth said form4 was a honeymoon year ?

and as u guys can see, my posts are all lack of pictures!
send me pictures of any event people,
my blog is in dying need of it .

mh.coec :)
- bball training in 15 minutes -

Friday 6 February 2009

we're one year old !


oh wait, its friday the 13th!
ooohhhh , the horror!
nahh , i dont believe in it.

anw, school today was just gooood.
i brought the cupcakes i made to school ,
for a certain someone :)
and for my classmates since they wanted to try it so bad.

i know , you must be wondering ,
'munhong baked cupcakes?'
well , yeah i did. [amazed aren't cha ?]
it was actually my first time baking and i gotta admit ,
it was yummy!
hahahahh! at least , thats what i think!
and ohyeah, i got the recipe from bella. thanks!

most of them said the cupcake was lack of icing. well , i actually tasted the icing before putting it on the cupcake , and i didnt really like the taste of it. so , i obviously didnt put much. i thought it was gonna destroy the cupcakes ; and then the cupcakes will suddenly start to enlarge and ends up destroying town! ohh crapp , lucky i didnt put that much of icing! i saved town ; i feel so 'superman' . anyone wants my autograph? it will be worth millions once they showcast me on tv :D seriously


what else happened in school ?
raymond , bella , dev , yohann , and i got busted by rozaimi .
its a looong story but to summarise things ,

1) we broke the class lock using a cutter cause one of our friend didn't bring the key ,
which made us move to another empty class for the time being.
2) apparently , it was wrong to break the lock ( even after we did it afew times last time )
3) we kinda had teacher's permission on doing so , but we're still considered guilty.
4) we were accused on doing a ' kesalahan besar' by popiah.

thats pretty much all .
anw , im not blaming anyone here.
just telling the story.

guess thats all for nw,
will update this blog of mine when i do .
happy valentines day ;D

munhong.coec :)

Sunday 1 February 2009

back to school folks!
no more sleeping at 3am ,
no more betting with family members [losing was never fun anw] ,
no more red packets! :(

ill do a proper update on cny soon :)
OHYEAH, this is my 100th post!
*clap clap!*

"First , ill like to thank my parents. without them, ill never be able to write all 100 posts.
next, ill like to thank the streamyx guy. he fixed my streamyx as if he was baking a a chocolate cake with strawberry icings on it while solving a math question. it looked that simple!

okay okay, thats all for nw.

mh.coec :)