Thursday 31 May 2007

KwN training course .. [ 2:44 am , 27 may , o7 ]

kwn stands for kid witness news . its a global known competition where participants have to make a short 5 min video about any three topics which are arts , sports n environment .

first day [ 23may o7 ]

walked to skool early with all my heavy bagpack on my back . my bagpack consists of clothes and FOOD .. reached in skool by 1o mins n saw c.muuriza carrying bags into her car boot . after filling up the car boot with all the bags , the journey to sepang began . the car ride was like any ordinary 1 hour journey .. c.muriza drove , cik / pn aida [ im n0t really sure whether i spelled her name right ornot . ] sitting on the front seat next to c.muriza n lastly , hajar , prash , ian n i were sitting on the back seat of the proton wira vehicle . it was kinda squeezy . =.='

then , got there [ concorde inn , sepang ] n unpacked . there was a short brief at 4 ++ where they introduced the people who will join us for the next two days and also the equipment we will havta use during the filming . later , had dinner . it was buffet . makan makan makan + minum .

lepas itu , went back to rooms . got to know two new people , joanne n daniel aka danny .. both were from seafield . what we did :

1. prank call other rooms . about 80-90% of our calls didnt work out the way we wanted it to go . =.='
2. eat eat eat + drink
3. called friends [ not prank calls . ]
4. watched tv .. american idol was on that night . replay *
5. n jz joked around la .

oh yea , we did our geo n science 1 on wed afternoon . [ geo was tough , couldnt concentrate coz i was doing it on a small table where they put the small light lamps n on a bed ] science was ok la .

day number too [ 2 ] ..

woke up . had buffet breakfast . then , went for the training .. during the training , everyone there were divided into 20 groups . i was in group 14 . =.=' .. these are the people in group 14 .

1. nahvin , 11 old .
2. barth , 11 years old
3. wafi , 14 years old
4. dalila , 14 years old

group name : for-teen .

then , we were given assignments which was to make a short video with ure new group but must in the compounds of concorde inn . we were
lucky enough to get news . so , we did the environment in concorde inn in news version . we had alot of problems !. it was hard to co-operate with them at first , but after 1 hour plus , we finally got to start shooting . then , everything after that went okay until our cam corder sudd went out of battery ! . great , just great ! . nahvin quickly looked for a battery charger to borrow . i n barth acted as responsible cleaners in the video coz we couldnt find any free- from - work cleaners that timer . =.= . it was just in time to finish up the video but it was really done yet coz there was a lot of cut scenes . lol . but since we were done with it , happy la .

then , on thurs night after dinner , we did editing for our video . nahvin's teacher was kind enough to help us with most of the editing . thx dude . so , overall .. the video was ok . alot of mistakes that made it look not so news type . all the edits were until 11++ at night .

third n last day . =.=

all the video's were shown . noticed that alot of groups had prob with their cam corder's battery as well . haha . . oh well , at least our group werent the only ones with that prob . LOL . after watching videos , went bac to pack . visited the gym . n when we wanted to go bac to smk usj 13 , the tayar in c.muriza's car got PANCIT . sad case . at the end , reached bac at skool at around 4 ++ . hanged around in skool n then only i went bac .

conclusion : learned alot from the training course . how to film using a camera properly etc etc . got to noe new ppl . n lastly the FUN !


Saturday 26 May 2007

update . [ 2:15 , 27may , o7 ]

im finally updating my blog .! amazing thing to do right ? haha ..
so , where should i start .? oh yea , i got a puppy from my dad's friend . well , its not fully mine coz its our family dog . but still considered mine la coz im part of my family .. get wat im trying to say right ? . =.=' bout the puppy :

name : casey aka kc
sex : bitch
age : so far .. 2 months old
colour : brown + black
breed : alastian dalmatian + rocveiler . [ no idea how to spell those names ]
hobby : biting anything in sight . * careful *
cage address : located on the right corner of my hse . can b easily spotted .
contact num : doesnt hav a legal dog num yet . =.='

so , that was all the info i can think of for now . =)

casey .

i guess this post will just end ere .. and to all the ppl who said i was lazy to update my blog , i just updated my blog. =)


Thursday 3 May 2007


hey people ,

anyone ere interested in joining a
futsal tournament ??. information about it :

~ 28th may 07

~ only for un-13 boys

~ teams must consist of 5-7 players .

~ fees : rm 70 [ a team ]

~ starts around 11 in the morning .

~ prizes are only for top three teams

~ prize :
first place : rm 250
second place : 150
third place : rm 100

~ it will b at u-one .

= for any further information , please
ask me asap .
