Wednesday 22 March 2006

anOth3R boRing DaY..

hEy I$ jZ another boRing daY...lUcky thing didNt havE to Go to sKool...( goT sumtiNg on In mPsj 4 thOSe whOm arE in iNvolveD in haRiii sUkan...) so..gonNA stAy at hoM3 finishIng all The hOmewoRk..[ swt ]..newayz...there Is alSo goNNa be an AND 1 coMpetitiON in sUmmiT thIZ sunDay !! mOSt oF the bbAllerZ frOM petaLIng n selAngor team Are goNNa be there 4 of mY teaM of winNing iS kinda sLim..bUt miracle'z happen doNt they ?!?! =)...well...mAyb on thAt day..a very gOOd baller goT siCk or sumting ?? who kNowz..

well..enOugh oF AND 1...wat else ar..hmmm...oh yea..exam resultz...weLL...most oF my resuLtz are noT reaLLy goOD...[havta pUt all the gooD onez in front..then the bad wanz..hehe..]

maThz ~ 92%
geoGraphY ~ 95 %
enGlish ~ 88 %
scienCe ~ samE as abOve..
seNi ~ 63 %
bM ~ haiZ..oni 51.6 % ..( evIl teacher gaVe so lIttle markz..even highest onI 60% plus..)

erm..i guess thatz all..otherz all havent get bAc yet...kkz..till ere..[rememB3r to leave Commentz ..(^_^)..

~mUn HoNg~

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