Wednesday 22 March 2006

anOth3R boRing DaY..

hEy I$ jZ another boRing daY...lUcky thing didNt havE to Go to sKool...( goT sumtiNg on In mPsj 4 thOSe whOm arE in iNvolveD in haRiii sUkan...) so..gonNA stAy at hoM3 finishIng all The hOmewoRk..[ swt ]..newayz...there Is alSo goNNa be an AND 1 coMpetitiON in sUmmiT thIZ sunDay !! mOSt oF the bbAllerZ frOM petaLIng n selAngor team Are goNNa be there 4 of mY teaM of winNing iS kinda sLim..bUt miracle'z happen doNt they ?!?! =)...well...mAyb on thAt day..a very gOOd baller goT siCk or sumting ?? who kNowz..

well..enOugh oF AND 1...wat else ar..hmmm...oh yea..exam resultz...weLL...most oF my resuLtz are noT reaLLy goOD...[havta pUt all the gooD onez in front..then the bad wanz..hehe..]

maThz ~ 92%
geoGraphY ~ 95 %
enGlish ~ 88 %
scienCe ~ samE as abOve..
seNi ~ 63 %
bM ~ haiZ..oni 51.6 % ..( evIl teacher gaVe so lIttle markz..even highest onI 60% plus..)

erm..i guess thatz all..otherz all havent get bAc yet...kkz..till ere..[rememB3r to leave Commentz ..(^_^)..

~mUn HoNg~

Friday 10 March 2006

bBall reunion !!

helowZ...the basketball reunion on sat was really fun...the usj 4 court wuz so full as many people n other strangerz came....lucky thing the strangerz went after that..or not surely not enough space to took a long time to make groupz to play..i think some of them didnt even get to play..(sorry)...some people were also playing with the drinkz ...splashing them around..kinda funny though..but pity those who kena the sticky coca cola on their body..the court should be kinda dirty by now..hehe..over all..everything was so much fun !!!

BIG THANKZ TO SYAZA N JULIA !!! (THE ORGANISERZ !!)...a very short blog..haha..