Monday 31 January 2011

black and yellow

just a few pictures from last week's cf that literally made me 'LOL'

HAHA (Shaun dont kill me)


(Y) to their expressions man!

epic phail!

will do a proper update soon

been putting this song on repeat for 86523456 times.


Sunday 9 January 2011

(or however you spell it)

Its almost one month since i've last updated, Heh!
so a lot has happened,
i've been going out for most of the time.
(thats pretty much where all my money went,
Dead Broke now)

so i'm not really gonna blog about all that cause that's gonna be a long winded granpa story,
coming straight at yo face to bore you to deep sleep.

Oh, i've recently started my own Project 365 on tumblr,
click here or here ,
even here or here to check it out :)
So that's where i'll be updating daily,
keeping stalkers like you updated.

and i've also started working part time for Han Woo Ri!
i'm only taking night shifts, so yeah, that's where i usually spend my dinner for a few days in a week
Do visit, its behind True Fitness, above Old Town Kopitiam!

(wow, that definitely felt as tho i was doing some ad)

Life Xtreme is kicking off 2011 with prayer month!
so if you're from New Life Shah Alam, and you're a youth;
don't forget to Pray :D
(prayer points and bible verse on your mini card!)

i've just joined the kids ministry and the worship ministry,
really want to just serve God with all i have :)
