Tuesday 14 September 2010

unplanned it was!

hello everyone :D
so yeah, as you can see, I have been really lazy lately, especially when it comes to updating my blog. feel like getting someone to do it for me, wonder who will want to take it up. HMMMM :)

(that has to be lamest thing to do, updating my blog for me)
ultimate L for you :D

Monday 13th Sept 10'

So our plan was to go to Pyramid for Kareoke and just to hang out. Sadly, many couldn't make it on that day. All of em, except for me, Ian and ShuRun. So, we thought, ahh lets just go :)

Ian came over to my place, and then we picked up ShuRun and off we went! WEEE!
*So we pretty much reached Pyramid later, and then sang our hearts out (think one of the mics kinda got malfunctioned after that - Totally not our fault, cause we're awesome) and then we watched an awesome movie, met Lady Gaga in the theaters, managed to joke with her a little on her clothing.

( I was seri
ous. Luckily she thought it was a joke. She dressed horribly, the usual)

And yeah, that was it! FUN DAY OUT EH ? :)

okay fine, You got me.I was crapping,
BUT if o
nly the Gaga part was true :)

so Yeah, back to

.. Ian came over to my place, and then we picked up ShuRun and off we went! WEEE! So yeah, in the car, I wanted Ian to listen to this song from Paramore but my car radio just went dead that day. I really don't understand it sometimes, radio has got a serious problem -.-

I was so distracted by the radio (turning it on and then off , and then on again. No, it did not turn ON) , I took the wrong turn! After a few mins, we we're heading towards Damansara! YEAH, WOW. HAHA Ofcourse we were all freaking out a bit cause none of us knew the way back to pyramid (or even home). After many turns and two tolls, still feeling lost ( seperti kambing masuk kampung?) we finally reached a familiar place! Bandar Utama

Never knew i'd drive that far :0

and we found 1Utama! WOOHOO! We decide
d to just hang out there instead.
Had lunch, then walked around and explored 1Utama since we don't go there as often as Pyramid,
( Subang kids!)
Then it was Resident Evil !
Funniest things was that we were in the theater 20 minutes earlier,
(read the ticket wrongly)
and we thought we were late!

So there we were,
3 of us, wondering why the theater was so empty!
" And what happened to the trailers?"

Yeah, after that, we managed to find o
ur way back home,
big thanks to Ian's ipod tou
ch :D

Yeahhh, thats it! :D

Getting lost, facing tolls with no directions, and getting help from people to find our way was definitely a great experience! HAHA

so far, my highlight for my holidays this week, LOL
awesome time it was with Ian and
ShuRun :)

[ mom/dad, if you're reading this. Don't jump straigh
t to conclusions, you need to hear my explanation]
