Monday 9 August 2010

oh hello. welcome back,
i'm sure you are back here expecting a new updated post ?
WELL NO , thats not what im going to give you!

in fact, i won't give you anything at all!
look at how rare you visit this place.
instead, i think YOU should be punished for not visiting this place for such a looooong time.
Thats 5 bucks from YOU! (You can pass the money whenever you see me)

You're lucky you got off with a light punishment, there better be no next time.


last weekends had to be the most power packed weekend i've been through this year. so packed that every hour mattered,


Saturday : Spent my morning in my Sister's Graduation, Nilai \\ then lunched with family at some fancy restaurant (food was alright i guess) \\ back at USJ16 for last minute preparations for IU Day \\ then headed for dinner at USJ13 for Basketball Team's BBQ (which sort of lasted till 12am)

Sunday : woke up early for a basketball game at Court9 // straight to school after that to prepare for IU Day // then, i pretty much spent my whole day there up till 8pm at night for IU Day :) (i think it turned out well) // dinner with committee and helpers at Pizza Hut + time out at Patio@9

YEAH, thats all that happened in a summarized way (practicing on my summary for English exams, you know what I mean) .

Really like to THANK all the INTERACT COMMITTEES/CLUB MEMBERS/ and VOLUNTEERS for helping us make this year's IU Day a memorable one, an AWESOME experience it was!

and all GLORY to GOD for making it all happen!

He provided when we asked :)

(photos are all around facebook, go look for it you lazy bum) :p