Friday 23 July 2010

Korean & Japanese Game show!
@community center usj13

it was Games week for CF,
and the theme was :

Korean and Japanese Game Show!

first off we had praise and worship,
and then followed by a whole lot of messed up games
Lilian did an amazing job coordinating them :D

spinning in circles before they chew on hanging kaya bread, HAHA
but i gotta say, after 10 rounds of spinning,
walking straight isn't that easy!

so appetizing!

balloons with shaving cream!

mentos + flour!

this picture gives me the creeps
no offense though David :|

anw, pictures are all stolen from Lilian's Album!
awesome pictures she took, go and zoom in on them :)


Thursday 22 July 2010

Pictures taken from last weekend's game
@Court 9

think i play much better when i was in form3 then i do now



Sunday 11 July 2010

which side are you on ?

Finals 2.30 a.m.
Netherlands vs Spain !

what a world cup final it will be,
two big teams playing to win that one cup,
to make their nations proud
and to boast their victory for the coming years!
(or at least until world cup 2014 that is)

its so intensed even the animals are having their say!

MANI the PARAKEET! - Singapore
(surely kaisu one)here's a picture of him/her (im not sure of its gender) with owner :)
don't they just look good?
apparently, what ive heard is that,
Mani has been predicting football games for quite some time already
(birds these days don't have anything better to do huh)
Mani says, *bird noises* "Netherlands ftw" *bird noises*

PAULINE the OCTOPUS - Netherlands

don't blame me, blame google!
thats the best picture of Pauline i could find
clearly, she's not as famous as Paul -.-
either how; Pauline says, "Dutch ftw"

and last but not least,
the octopus everyone is craving for !

PAUL - Germany

unlike the earlier two;
Paul says otherwise!

for me?
i'm rooting for Spain tonight cause,
Spain won against Germany; and Germany won against England; and England was the team i supported :|

so somehow i'm supporting Spain in a way cause its somehow linked,
get what i mean?
(confused yet?)

oh, im also against Dutch tonight cause;
they freaking increased the price of the DutchLady Milk,
now my mum is buying HL milk -.-

'oh, the plants must be jumping for joy,
its raining again!'

Yeah! I'm back to update this blogg

'Its alive, its alive!'
(Frankenstein style)

so just a little update on SubangRally last Saturday,
it was AWESOME :)

Yeah, thats pretty much it.
Short & Simple :)

the committee + designer for the SR10 merchandise did an awesome job!
the designs looked amazing (Y)

pictures stolen from Lilian's album on fb,
Go check it out!

So yeah,
yesterday mum, bro and I went to IOI mall to just 'lepak' cause we were bored at home.
IOI mall has practically nothing!
the place is quite dead;

bro checking out this shirt in FOS,


Sunday 4 July 2010

someone hacked into my account and updated an EMO post on my blogg!
what are hackers up to these days lahh !?

anw, ill update cf on last friday and subang rally on saturday SOON!
gotta get some sleep for school tmr
(the previous post wasn't me)

Friday 2 July 2010


emo post alert!
(i warned you)

sometimes some people seriously take things for granted. they expect to get that something without even telling/asking. i mean, if you want something, at LEAST ASK for it. you don't ask for it, you won't get it! and when the very last minute comes, you FINALLY ask for it. and you expect to get it in the end. COME ON, life isn't all about you. the fact that you only talk to me when you need something adds salt to the bruise. Its Annoying! Maybe its me. Maybe i'm overreacting about this. but i'm tired of feeling this way.

patience is all i need right now
