Monday 28 June 2010

Yo chickens!
(David's style)

I'm sure by now you've already heard me talking about Subang Rally 2010 millions of times right?

Have you signed up yet ?

There's still time to do so, you know!

  1. Get the forms from me or any other CF committee in school !
  2. Fill it up, and pass it back along with the money (AsSoonAsPossible!)
two simple steps to reserve yourself a seat for an awesome event this saturday! :)
and if you can't come for the conference,
come for the NIGHT CONCERT! :)
best thing about it is that,

more info at:

so ill see you there ? :)


Tuesday 22 June 2010

if only Captain Obvious has his own television series, I wouldn't mind watching it all day man!


i mean, whats not to like about Captain Obvious.
one thing for sure, he's OBVIOUS,
and stating the obvious is hilarious isn't it?

"The vast majority of our imports come from other countries."
-Captain Obvious.

okay maybe that caption isn't that funny,
what about . .

" I think there's a leak"
-Captain Obvious on the Titanic.


so yeah,
school just reopened and everythings cool.
all we've been talking about in school recently is the World Cup!
that topic never fails to be talked about every single day in class.
i personally support England,
but why are they not performing at all ?
(kid stresses out over England's performance)

if England gets knocked out, im definitely gonna switch teams man!
Brazil and Netherlands sound good eh?
or maybe any Asian countries lah,
mata sepet teams (South Korea/Japan) that is if they qualify to second round

Wayne said, Malaysia might be able to join the world cup at year 2024,
the immediate world cup after we all maju with our wawasan 2020! AHHA

Vishnu pulak,
"I hope i'll still be alive when Malaysia plays in the World Cup."


oh, and i just finished my chem folio!
pretty much copy and pasted everything from a source,
but its all hardwork man!
no joke.


Friday 18 June 2010

High School Basketball League

Hello people,
im sure everyone's excited that im back to blogging again right? :)
(cricket sound)

anw, i had a basketball game earlier this morn.
after weeks of not playing (due to postponed/walk-over games),
we finally got to play this week!

but we were up against a junior team (?) from kotakemuning,
so it wasn't really that challenging for us.

i played only in the first quarter,
and then spent 3 more other quarters taking photos of the game,
you know, to Capture the Moment(s).


here are some,
others are uploaded in that blue website,


awesome Cf Committee! :)

guess im back to blogging again!
im still trying to look for a good 'blog header' picture!
but i can't seem to find any
and its getting late already, close to 2am.

another basketball game tmr,
which means ive gotta wake up early again on a saturday morning,


off to bed.
still thinking of the purrfect picture