Thursday 31 December 2009

2010 Resolutions!

  1. Do well in my exams/trials , considering its spm year!
  2. Gain weight! At least till i weight around 70kg's, then that will do :) [those who call me skinny , just you wait! :p ] HAHA
  3. Visit the gym more often! (Vittal and Mity, this better be in your resolution's as well!)
  4. basketball MSSD gold! :) and a spot in MSSS (argh, have to start training already!)
  5. Get Interact Club moving again, it has to!
  6. Pick up my guitar again, maybe practice on it at least once in a week 3 days ?
  7. Learn a few new songs on different musical instruments, drums/piano! :)
  8. READ THE BIBLE more! :D
  9. Meet at least 30 new people ? :)
  10. Save more, spend less! $_$
  11. and my last resolution, To help some with their resolutions! ( idea from Sherlyn :D )
Yeah, i think that's pretty much it.
GUYS! :)

Thursday 24 December 2009

(darn, why must i be moving)

God bless ya'll ;D

Wednesday 23 December 2009


yes im back to updating my blog, first of,

District INTERACT Conference!
(summarized version,
no grandmama's stories)

first day wasn't that fun.
second day, better! managed to make a short vid with some dorm mates :) its somewhere in fb, go hunt for it!
third day, was much better! talentine was fun to watch, and most of em can really act :D
ohyeah, GROUP8 got second place. we did a hindi dance , along with some comedy mashed up in it :) wooo hoooo! hhahaha
fourth day, was quite sad to leave the place, but ohwell, life's always tough. AHHA :D
and not to forget,
we went through a total of 15 talks throughout the whole conference!
AMAZING, how we lasted through it. AHHA
despite all the oh so cool talks,
DIC was still FUN and definitely MEMORABLE ;D

now, Youth Camp,

it was AWESOME!
darn i still miss camp till today!
we practically went through our lives there,
and it was a darn goooood experience!

i had a hectic life,
was a drop out so i took a janitor job,
was money minded abit,
also got caught for having a car but no license. AHHA
(little details of my 'life' in camp)

but after all of it ended,
it really HIT me real hard on the last day.
like how i've been living my life , my way,
and not according to His way.

Thank God for this 'second chance' in life,
for the impact it had brought to me :)

and i definitely miss the people in camp man! AHHA
cant wait to see you guys on the 3rd jan! :)

and now, my last update
on what i did yesterday,

first had interact meeting with the bunch,
only a few showed up -.-!
ohwell, the meeting has to go on.
urhmm, the meeting was productive.
got to decide on some things and all,
so yeah :)

after that, mithun charlotte and i suddenly wanted to go to pyramid,
to get our christmas things ,
it was seriously last minute, but oh well, why not right .
at first charlotte wanted to invite another girl,
she didnt want to be the only girl, so we had to call up chicks to see if they wanted to join us,
but sadly, since it was so last minute,
many couldnt and wasnt free.

in the end, charlotte's mum said it was kinda last minute and that she shouldnt go.
mity and i went lah.
Yes, both of us when shopping.

got to pyramid,
looked for my shoes,
he looked for his shoes,
in the end,
he got his formal shoes, a nice bag, pencil case and flip flops.
i got only pencil case, and a 'present' AHAH .

after that, went to summit,
visited my old shop where i used to work,
hoops station,
to get my casual wear!

and im sure,
oh and he got to try bubble tea for the first time.

thats it for now,
off to sanesh's party! :D
pictures for DIC and LIFEGAME in FB :!

Tuesday 8 December 2009


first of, thanks mithun for updating,
of all people, mithun volunteered to update it,
he must have felt really happy about something that night.

so, how are the holidays treating you guys ?

im sure many of you have been spending you time on the computer,
come on!
take a break from it,
5 hours or so is alright, but 6 hours a day ?
(yes, also referring this to my dota-freak bro)

alright bringing my seriousness back.

for me, i think my holidays just started like a few days ago,
cause for the past 3 weeks,
i've been working at hoops station, summit.
we (the workers) have to do a whole lot of work during that period
cause the shop was moving to a bigger shop in G floor.
Yeah, tiring weeks.
but im not gonna go detailed on that.

now on yesterday,
'yesterday was a day before today' - Captain Obvious

i went over to Syaza's house for a hotandlow meeting,
before we discussed on a new video,
syaza asked us to help her to 'model' her Tee's,
we didnt really 'model' them,
practically laughed most of the time in front of the camera,
but thats natural isnt it ? :) haha!

her shopblog/blogshop will be opening soon,
so 'check em out check em out check em out' - Brian

after that we got a short video done,
before i left.
so i guess it was quite a productive meeting :)

after that,
sis, bro, mum and I went to check out this Hot Yoga Class,
the one next to True Fitness,
yeah, we went for a class,
since it was free for true fitness members this month!

and woah!
it sure was hot in there, HAHA
im not just gonna say its hot in there,
cause there's alot to say. AHAH
first of, yoga isnt a piece of cake!
its tough crap! :0

Yeah, thats it,
enough said, hahahahha!

gonna meet nana and the gang later,
Happy Hols!

Sunday 6 December 2009

Hello there, i'm helping Mun Hong to update his blog, you wont guess who is this, seriously, its MITHUN, i know righttt? Mithun and blogging dosent fit in a sentence, but i'm oh so freaking bored, Mun Hong was too lazy to blog anyways, so guys, whatsup?, anything new lately? *eyebrow eyebrow*, by the way, its my first time so i dont really know what to write, but i can share with you a video?

Ok i dont know if you can view the video, but if you could, you would be speechless, and my electro christmas mix is coming out soon on youtube, watch it!! :D

Alright i'm out, i dont think i wana blog anymore, byebye, have a nice day :)