Thursday 15 November 2007

freak show 15/11/07 ;]

muidz tumpang-ed me at 11 plus . we were the first to get to sunway , the rest were late . we went to dunkin donuts to get sumting to chew on . ate like 2 each then full d . kept two more for the rest coming later which was then eaten by marcus n brand. later met up with the rest . those who went were , muidz , kj , marcus , brand , pang , me and sanesh .

went to buy tickets for ' balls of furry ' . then , went to the arcade . main daytona there damn funny . i won the first round , second got third ;] walked all the way to bowling alley after that . me , kj and marcus beat sanesh , muidz and brandon . there was suppose to be a bet where we can tell them to do anyting since we've won , but it sumhow got canceled =.=!

then , went for the movie . hilarious ping pong movie . ' its better to die as a tiger than live as a pussy ' LOL

after that , went bowling again . i sucked in the two games we played . both got last .

names on the bowling board :

freakshow [ mh]
nerd [ muidz ]
babi [ brand ]
bitch [ marcus ]

later when bac to arcade to play some shooting games before leaving sunway . over all , the outing was fun but it could hav gotten better if the girls went [ i guess ! haha ] .


Wednesday 7 November 2007


i finally got my stitch from my head off . well , i didnt really get it off , the doctor did . :]


4/11/07 - raya :]

went to hajar's place around 12 sumting . was suppose to be there at 11 but terlambat . haha :] i tumpang-ed faiqah's transport with na . i was damn blur when we got there [ as usual ] . started eating , the curry for the nasi lemak was good :] then harris came . he brought the xtra baju melayu . i thought he will bring the whole set or sout he bawmething , bak only the top . so , i hadta wear the baju melayu with my blue shorts . i looked OKAY in it . fine , i looked real funny. like some clown walking around celebrating raya .

we started walking to other hse's at around 3 something . damn fucking hot outside , bad weather to play bball !. sweating like crap before reaching the houses . first we [ faiqah , na, ja , lat and me ] went to adriana's place . her house was cunted :] she and her frens cooked spagetthi . was nice but cold , boleh jual la . there was this chocolate cookie which tasted great . lat , faiqah and i kinda finishes it . haha ! malu la . ohyea , dpt duit raya ere .

the next hse was , ermmm . damn , i forgot the girl's name ! =.=' all i can rmb is that she has a bass in her hse . haha . nothing much happened ere . dpt duit raya ere too .

the last hse was putri's place . her pond for her koi fishes was cunted . had laksa with curry noodles ere . dpt duit raya ere too :]

after all the hse's , we went to the park . there was no bball court there , instead there was four or more goal posts , and two bola jaring punya rims . all i can say was , the place was damn peaceful . played football with harris there , then after that join the rest for abc n cendol . the abc was nice but just too much kacang , jelly n some other stuf which makes it not so cun . haha
akhirnya , balik . faiqah's mum tumpang again . thx ! once reached home , waited for my family to get ready to keluar makan . ate at kfc n then headed to nilai to drop my sis at her college . guess thats all that happened on this tiring sunday
