Wednesday 22 August 2007

UpdaTe ! =)

wow , this is the first time i actually have the 'semangat' to update my blog . * feeling kinda proud of myself* haha . =)

im now enjoying a week of holiday from skool . what i have been doin during the hols :

*play basketball . [ofcoz la ]
*played in the pba tournament '07 [during weekends and also on a monday ]

first game - smk usj13 vs batu 8
we made a few mistakes during the first quarter, which cost us five points to nothing . [opponent ] 5 vs 0 [us]
our team got to chase back by a few points by the second quarter .
the 3rd n 4th quarter were the best part of the game . usj13 were chasing back the points . fouls were called and supporters were cheering . the atmosphere at that moment really got my legs n hands shaking with nervousness . =.=' . There were chances for usj13 to take the le
ad but mistakes were made at the same time . at the ending few seconds , batu 8 got the 1 point lead and it was just a split second before the game ended . Of course we were all frustrated and dissapointed with the score . but it was just a game and there were few more games ahead , so all the feelings for that game were left aside . =.='
score : __ vs __ [ i forgot the score but we lost by one point . ]

second game : smkusj13 vs bukit kemuning
this game was tough as well . we made mistakes in the first quarter again . this time we were down by 9-0 . second quarter was 15-3 . we did most of the chasing during the 3rd and 4th quarter . in the end , we won by 1 lucky point.
score : _vs_ [ forgot score again but won by one point ]

third game : smkusj13 vs smkusj12
ok , this game was the most pleasing one . glad we didnt do any mistakes during the 1st quarter . the score during the 1st n 2nd quarter were close to one another . by the third quarter , usk13 got the lead till the end of the game .
score:_vs_[damn ! i forgot all the score . but this one we won . ]

*tried doing sejarah folio [ just a little ]
*tried to do kh folio [ couldnt understand , so i gave up ]
*studied a little to prepare for exams .
*eat , eat , eat
*[last but not least ] breathe . ( breathe in , breath out )

that was almost all i did during the hols . guess thats all for this post . * feeling kinda proud i actually updated my blog .* haha . ss
