Sunday 28 January 2007

- 2007 -

ellowz people ! .. this is my FIRST post for year 2007 . haha . i know what your thinking , ' this mun hong so lazy ! ' but i have good explanations why i didnt update this blog for so long ..

so , explanation number 1 : because its the start of school ma . got so much homework .. then got tution homework pulak . . i budak baik mer . swt . haha .

explanation number 2 : got bball trainings ! .. hehe .. mssd was on january this year .. so , kinda busy with basketball .. aikz , why must our skool's un-15 boys play against bu3 in the group stages ! .. malang giler .. haih .

explanation number 3 : . [ oh crap , im running out of excuses .. =.= ] .. erm , lastly .. connection problem [ almost forgot about it . hehe ] . n also no extra time .. unlike the guy in the astro max advertisement who always said ' i got time , i got time ' .. im not like him with all that time he has . . coz i dont have astro max . haha .. so , there it is .. all the three crappy explanations .. =)

okok , seriously gonna blog now .. wat happened lately ? .

27 january [ saturday ] .

i went to school ! .. itz a replacement day for chinese new year .. [ i didnt know there's gonna be a week long of chinese new year . which means more time to collect ang pau's ! hehe . $$_$$ ]

anyway , went to school at the usual time .. around 12.50 . . saw justin n neeraj .. n then faiqah found me n told me that she n umi has extra mcd food .. so , i helped myself with the drink n a little fries .. afterthat , balik ke class n found out that only half the class came on that day .. faiqah n i helped harris with his rumah hijau name list .. berjalan jalan .. bla bla bla ..

after recess pulak , went to bilik kemahiran hidup to help baiki kerusi ... i repaired only one .. got bored of it .. balik ke class .. during maths time , went out with harris n faiqah .. then came back jz at the correct time .. [ maths time finished ] .. lol . then , talked about ghost stories .. yohann , neeraj , me , faiqah , harris n adrian were there .. i got tired and almost fell asleep .. lol . then after all of that , the skool bell rang .. balik rumah ! . lol . . so that was pretty much everything that happened in skool on that day .

note to self : dont go to skool on replacement days . . =.=

~mUn HoNg~