Wednesday 25 October 2006

--------- ------------- UPDATE !! ----------- ---------------

eLLowz bloggers .. as u can c . it has been 2 monthz [agak agak ] since ive updated .. blame the examz N the short holidayz !! .. =_= .. they must hav cut down alot of tree's jz to get paper's 4 examz ... wat a waste of paperz !! save the tree's !! NO EXAMZ !! ..

woopz .. being crappy there . . apologies . =_= .. so , nth much reli happened during my SHORT holiday .. last sunday i went to genting . it was a one day trip with my relatives ... there were.. my family [ every1 except my sis . ] with my cousin'z family .. we reached at genting at around 10 sumting .. looked around 4 empty parking lotz . . it took us around 15 - 20 mins jz to look 4 parkin lotz . .=_= . .

so , aft that .. we walked around lookin 4 tiingz to do . .. we [ the kidz ] decided to drop by at the arcade .. played there . . it took jz a short while 4 us to finish up the money we were given .. then , we ate a little food .. walked around again aft that .. then went to snow world . it was my second time there though i cant recall how it was last time ... so we put on the jacket , bootz n gloves b4 heading into snow world ... was kinda cold there .. stupid me . ofcoz it was cold there . y do u think they call it snow world .. . woopz , interuption . as i was saying . .cold . [ -5 degrees ] . threw the so called 'snow' at my cousinz ... then sat on the ride .. [ it was fun ! ] . later , we went rock climbing .. there is knew that i'm not gud at rock climbing . . well . . i went kinda high . [ i guess ] . later we had lunch . then started goin down hill .. dropped by at mushroom farm b4 leavin .. there was nth much there .. boring .. took picz there b4 leavin ..

so that was all about my trip to genting .. conclusion : fun + boring = okok trip !

signing off ..

- > mUn HoNg < - dO eNjoy ! =D