Sunday 27 August 2006

UpdaTe !! [ two daYz wiT my couzins , sibliNgs n auntie ]

hoLidaYz .. holidaYz .. i didNt reaLLy go neywhere 4 the holidaYz .. oN sundaY i weNt to my auntie's hse to sleeP a night there with two of my siblingz .. whEn we reacheD there , mY cousiNz were aLso there .. theY boughT aLot of duRiaNz . . we quickLy wasHed our hanDz n graB as mucH duriaN as we could .. cheh , noT thaT despread .. << ( is the speLLing correct ?? ) as i was saYing .. we ate the duriaanz .. taLked taLked taLked .. *education * cousin's camp * the mosquitoe bites my cousin got from the camp * everything la .. later , i helped out to clean up the leftovers .. draNk aLot of watEr .. wouldnT wana geT sore throat during holidaYz .. gettinG sicK during schooLing daYZ ok la ... but holidayz .. NO ! .. =P . afterthat , my cousinz , siblingz n i help my aunt with her photos ..well , actually not all f us helped.. oni my sis n my couz.. hehe.. i was theere to giv comments bout the pic's ! she got so many photos in her comp !! at 11 sumting.. some of us went down to watch the dvd 'click' .. it was darn funny !! by 1-2 a.m sumting , the movie was over .. we had a little supper before heading to bed @ 2 ++ ..

the nex morn i woke up at 10 sumting .. auntie brought us to get breakfast .. later we went to my cousin's hse .. [ m i confusing u ?? .. get it right ?? .if tak faham then jz ignore tht part . .=_+' . ] there , we playeD a little c.s ( counter strike ) .. n i'm still verY lousy at it .. +_= ' .. then we watched R.V . runaway vacation .. it was hilarious !! .. then , by 4++ my dad came n fetched us home ... end of story .. =P .