Saturday 22 July 2006

---- UpdaT3 !! ---

gosH !! itZ beeN lonG sincE i've updatEd thiZ blog ere !! .. lolz .. [ wipiNg awaY all thE duSt on thiZ bloG .. =_=' ] .. so , leTz c .. hmmmmm .. nothiN reaLLy happeneD muCh thz week .. =_= ' .. jz normal schoOlin dayZ .. [ damN i caNt waiT 4 the holidayZ !! ] .. teacHerZ in cLass r giviN lesser hw'z d .. [ yay ! ] but stiLL got 3 more folio'z to do .. =_=' .. my claSs [ 1 baKti ] .. is alwayZ playiNg wen teachErz r noT arounD .. hav maDe / inveNted sum gamEz as well .. hehe.. dustbin ball .. etc etc .. N sumtymZ 1 bakti wouLd geT aLot of scolDiN as weLL .. lolz .. overall = everytHiinG i$ fUn in 1 bakti . ..

aite , enUf bouT 1 baKti .. .. noW itz bBall .. hmmm ... i gOt afeW competitiOnz .. [ excited ! ] ... and 1 .. whicH is on 30th july .. subang parade .. [ i thinK itz the first tym theY r haviN and 1 in suBang parade.. sum ppL were surpriseD to heaR itz at subang parade n not sunway pyramid .. ] oh well , the will be alot of diff if it is iin sunway pyramid !! .. hopE the place iN subang parade wouLd be ok .. ... the other bbaLL competitioN woUld b the 5 on 5 syariff cup .. sumting like that .. [4got wat it is called ].. hehe .. thiZ tournamenT is kinda interesting as teamz need to get their own jerseyz .. my team .. might be getting hoobstation .. .. mayb mayb .. hmmm .. thaTz it then .. i'll trY to update thiZ blog often nex tym .. =_=' .. lolz .. oh ya .. ney1 caN giV and 1 tipz ?? .. despreatly needed .. lolz ..

~mUn HoNg~