Monday 3 April 2006

eLLowz blOggerz..

letz start wIth the and 1 competitioN last last sunday...hhmm...well,my team(the ballerz) lost b4 reachiNg quaterfinalz...the oppenetz were sum 14 year oldz..n playiNG un-13...damN cheatiNg ..iF we noe bout theiR aGe earlier can tell refereez edi ..=_='...the refereez also another thing..alwayz din see all thE foUlz the oppenetz made wan...pull shirt la ..a little chargIng ....thiz n that least that day wasNt all Bad 4 us coZ we OGt a lucky draw sHoe !!.. signeD bY a player a freestylist ( i guess ) called 'siC wiT it'...lukLy a perSon wanna buy it from uS coZ very haRd to share thaT shoe ...But sTill haVent nOe 100% the persOn waNNa bUy it 4 thE priCe of rm600..still waiting 4 their reply..' so sorry if thiz pOst is very borinG..' hehe..

oKay ..finished boUt and 1... NOe bOut aDdyz bday whICh is jz lasT sunday ...^^ was reallY fun first we were actually planning to go 4 bowlinG wan..but there was thiz competition there..n itz till 7..( whiCh is the tiMe we were planninG to go hOme ) so we din bowl..damn i was so looKin forward tO bowlin..=_='... so when we reached muidz addy n otherz there...talked alittle..bla bla bla ..theN walKed arounD to bUy preSenT 4 addy..those who were loOkin 4 present were.. siew may , muidz , syaza , niC , eZu , julia ( came a little latE but get to catch up wit uS..) n me ..i think thatz all..after goin to a few shopz..we finally got a Shirt from plastiC...guess it was a pink shirt..(forgot edi..hehe ) ...then afTer that when to buy ice-creaM..syaZa belanja-ed me...well..not really la coz she owe me money thaT time..haha..hmmm... theN wenT all the waY to thE moviez to booK tickeTz ... afT thaT i ,muidz, n niC weNt to arcade.. i din reallY play nicE arcade gamez theRe.. then..walkeD to aNw to get a driNk...was reallY full edi.. ( jz a drInk summore .. ) talKed a littlE then meet up with the otherz again b4 gettinG in to the theater ( nic wenT to bUy wc clothes [ wc freak ..haha] he din watch the movie coz he was gonna go bac earlier... 4 open ceremony at kajang..[bsb] wakiL u6bc cun !!).. bought popcorN n drinKz... wenT intO the theater...watched the movie i not stupid 2.. haha...i watched the movie exactly baru the week b4 that sunday at the same num theater. .. but diff seat.. movie was fun .... eventhough watched twice but it was still funny.. ^^ the only thing was that the popcorn didnT taste well at all.. so damn tasteless... then aft moviez went to eat at kfc..addy'z parantz belanja... kinda full so didnt eat much..theN wenT to mUidz's hSe coZ i 4got to brinG my hse key out n my familY wenT out to celebrate my mum'z there untill 9..watcheD bac to the future 2.. noT bad movie ... n then the end ... that was all.. the past two sundayZ havE beeN fUn.. thiz cUmin weekenDz would b enJoyable too ^^ as my aunty,uncle n cuzzins are cumin bac froM u. s...kkz..till ere..plz leave commentZ ...