Monday 6 February 2006

elOwZ... as u can c thiZ is my 1st blog... day today Isnt reaLLy interestIng...just a Normal schoolIng day..(yawN !!) at leaSt yesteRdaY wuZ muCh beTTer thAN today..bout yEsterDay...hhmm...i wenT to mIss cheaM'z hse..( if u Dunnoe..miss cheaM is one of my olD skool teacher...favourite one indeed.. ) newayz, i was saying...i wenT therE n saw many of my friendZ ...wuZ so haPpy to be there at that time..=) eventhOugh mosT of the tiM3 wE werE onlY talkinG....buT it wUz fun iN suM kinDA waY..loLz..n oH yea...siNce IT wuZ still cNy..we Got ang pau froM mizz cheam'z parentZ...N' eZuryNn aloNg with aqilah got two tiMEz thE amounT we Got 4 red packetz coZ they wheN there twice.. ( iF u nOe who they are..) .. k till ere.. so short oni tHiz blOG..hehehe..beginner ere..n plEaZe leave a Comment to thiZ less interesting blOg..

~mUn HoNg~